Our Lady's Message to Blessed Elena Aiello on the Justice of God In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Blessed Elena Aiello on the Justice of God. Mother Elena Aiello is a "blessed" of the Catholic …More
Our Lady's Message to Blessed Elena Aiello on the Justice of God
In this video we share Our Lady's Message to Blessed Elena Aiello on the Justice of God. Mother Elena Aiello is a "blessed" of the Catholic Church and a nun from Calabria, who was the founder of the Secular Order of the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed Aiello began experiencing the stigmata each Good Friday from 1923 to not long before her death. The Blessed Sister also started experiencing visions of the Blessed Mother in 1927; she made predictions of future events following these visions. Blessed Aiello also experienced visions of Jesus Christ in addition to saints such as Francis of Paola and Thérèse of Lisieux. On January 28, 1928, she founded a new religious order that she named the Minim Sisters of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Mother Elena Aiello received an important message from Our Lady on December 8, 1957: “The world today is honoring me, but my Motherly Heart is bleeding, because the enemy is …More
La Beata Elena Aiello nelle sue profezie rivelò: la Russia marcerà sull’Europa
Russia will march on Europe
Live Mike Carlus
Live Mike
"RUSSIA WITH HER SECRET ARMS / WEAPONS / WEAPONRY WILL BATTLE AMERICA" is the correct translation from the original Italian.