
Abuse of Power: Did Bishop Drive Priest into Suicide?

Father François de Foucauld who committed suicide on July 1 criticised on La-Croix.com (2 Dec 2021) the abuse of power by bishops asking for "objective rules of governance." “Too often, it is a small …More
Father François de Foucauld who committed suicide on July 1 criticised on La-Croix.com (2 Dec 2021) the abuse of power by bishops asking for "objective rules of governance."
“Too often, it is a small circle of clerics and lay people around the bishop who have the last word,” he wrote.
Foucauld arrived 2014 in Bois d'Arcy (Versailles Diocese). Strong-willed, he renewed the parish, but was opposed by five parishioners who had managed the parish before. They sent letters to the bishop, interrupted Foucauld’s homilies, insulted members of the pastoral team in the street. Those around the bishop support them.
Foucauld’s lawyer involved a professional mediator who gave up after nine hours because the bishop was denying any problem. Foucauld went on hunger strike, asking for an audit.
After twenty days, the bishop accepted. The audit (March/April 2021) accused Foucauld of serious financial issues without providing any proof. In April 2021, Bishop Crépy took over in Versailles.
Foucauld's lawyer …More
Maybe he was murdered. Stranger things have happened.
Novena - Oremus
How can a priest forget that the ultimate priestly ambition is the salvation of all men? - Robert Cardinal Sarah
Ursula Sankt
Many suicide-priests are homosexuals, though.
Cassandra Laments
Unless you know something that's not being reported, that's calumny, because you're indirectly making the inference that this Priest was homosexual.
Darrell J Roman
Ursula... Shame on you! Why don't the laity try to walk in our shoes for a day and see what many of us have to and had to put up with... There are many parishioners who are wonderful, and on the other hand many who are just evil and if they do not get their way, they will do anything in their power to destroy a good priest. They grip the excuse me... The balls of their bishop and tell them, do …More
Ursula... Shame on you! Why don't the laity try to walk in our shoes for a day and see what many of us have to and had to put up with... There are many parishioners who are wonderful, and on the other hand many who are just evil and if they do not get their way, they will do anything in their power to destroy a good priest. They grip the excuse me... The balls of their bishop and tell them, do something or your funds will dry up from us... bishops listen to these people and good priests are tossed out while the weak ones and destructive priests have the reign of their fancies...
Koza Nutria
We have similar thing happening in our Diocese, Diocese of in UK. Exactly the same but our Bishop didn't went so far just yet and our priest will do not commit suicide but the rest of the story is the same,few people,who before had power are against priest and Bishop listens to them not even bother to come to the parish and see himself how flourish is it. Around him few clergy just do whatever suits …More
We have similar thing happening in our Diocese, Diocese of in UK. Exactly the same but our Bishop didn't went so far just yet and our priest will do not commit suicide but the rest of the story is the same,few people,who before had power are against priest and Bishop listens to them not even bother to come to the parish and see himself how flourish is it. Around him few clergy just do whatever suits them. Sooo sad.