Xavier Ayral on Russian Threat to the UK and France | Prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenney In this compelling video, best-selling author Xavier Ayral discusses the current Russian threat to the UK and …More
Xavier Ayral on Russian Threat to the UK and France | Prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenney
In this compelling video, best-selling author Xavier Ayral discusses the current Russian threat to the UK and France, drawing connections to the prophecies of mystic Marie Julie Jahenney, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and other visionaries. Discover how these ancient prophecies resonate with today's geopolitical landscape and what they might mean for the future. Don't miss this insightful conversation about history, prophecy, and current events.
Overview of the current Russian threat to the UK and France
Prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny and their relevance today
Insights from Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Analysis and interpretation by Xavier Ayral
Implications for the future
0:00 - Introduction 1:30 - Russia Threatens UK and France 4:30 - Prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenney 19:00 - Jesus gives 9 promises to Marie Julie Jahenney 21:50 - Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich visions 26:25 - significant …More