
Fake News Cardinal Aviz Exposed: His "Prostitute Nuns" Are a Lie

Even the Francis outlet LaStampa.it (January 30) conceded that Cardinal Aviz’ claim that nuns who left their convent "ended up in prostitution," is untrue.

Aviz’ fake news produced an international media uproar. His further claim that Francis ordered creating a house of ex-sisters, is also incorrect.

Rather, in May 2017, the Scalabrinian sisters created two houses for [immigrant] women. Among them are presently five ex-sisters between 32 and 60 from Nigeria, Senegal, India and the Philippines. At least, one of them suffers from bipolar disorder.

None of them was ever a prostitute. LaStampa.it exposes them to ridicule by claiming that they suffered “psychological trauma equivalent to rape.”

The Scalabrinian sisters don’t consider them as ex-sisters but as “immigrants like the other women.” They are there, because they don’t want to return home.


Here's the NO"mass"-- Cardinal Marx style: www.youtube.com/watch
St Michael the Archangel cast into hell the wolves destroying the Church
comfort ye
Amen! Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!
What's really sad is when this story broke, Thor jumped at the chance to condemn Pope Francis on the basis of this "fake news." Now Thor blames Pope Francis because he got scammed by someone else's "fake news".
(Catholics worldwide have been asked to pray for his removal from any official church position.)
That reads just like an official announcement from a cardinal or bishop or a religious …More
What's really sad is when this story broke, Thor jumped at the chance to condemn Pope Francis on the basis of this "fake news." Now Thor blames Pope Francis because he got scammed by someone else's "fake news".

(Catholics worldwide have been asked to pray for his removal from any official church position.)

That reads just like an official announcement from a cardinal or bishop or a religious group, doesn't it? Except it isn't. It's "fake news" from a guy who's complaining about fake news.

It's a cheap lie and a falsehood from a guy who just got through accusing Pope Francis of "cheap lies and falsehoods."

...and all this from the bold voice who brags how he "uses Catholic truth to smash falsehood." :P
Thors Catholic Hammer
Yet I see you giving likes to posts that describe alleged “pope” Francis as a destroyer of the Church?
You don’t know what you are at and dazzled by the forked tongue of antipope francis are starting to copy him.
"You don’t know what you are at and dazzled by the forked tongue of antipope francis are starting to copy him."
Wrong and stupid.
*sigh* How many times have I explained my position to you? How many times have you ignored it?
Your remarks are proof you don't read. You are so caught up in your own irrationalities, nothing else filters in. I should expect this from you by now, but that's the …More
"You don’t know what you are at and dazzled by the forked tongue of antipope francis are starting to copy him."

Wrong and stupid.

*sigh* How many times have I explained my position to you? How many times have you ignored it?

Your remarks are proof you don't read. You are so caught up in your own irrationalities, nothing else filters in. I should expect this from you by now, but that's the difference between us. My perception of reality is based on reason. As such it's inherently difficult for me to cope with the irrational. In my defense, mental-health professionals need years of specialized training before they can effectively communicate with people like you.

Still, I'll try again.

Benedict XVI resigned and retired.. Don't even bother refuting it. We've had this argument many times before and we've both seen how that finally ended up. Speaking bluntly, losers "don't want to be contacted" and winners keep on winning. They also, very uncharitably I should add, have a big laugh afterwards at the losers' expense and toast the losers' epic butthurt with a shot of well... never mind what I'm drinking these days.

Besides, I'm explaining my position. It isn't necessary for you to agree with it, only that you acknowledge it.

So: Benedict XVI resigned the Papacy. The Curia elected Pope Francis. Pope Francis holds the office of Pope. But as I've repeatedly said, long before you ever joined this site, Francis is not a good Pope. Francis is a bad Pope. Francis is a very, very bad Pope. But there have been other bad Popes and the Church has survived them. Francis might well be a heretical Pope. But, again, others have made those same charges against the last four Popes. True or not, the Church has survived them as well. Should we be surprised? No. Christ Himself said the Church would prevail.

St Cuthbert Mayne tried, far more patiently and far more succinctly, to explain this same point to you and you wouldn't listen to him either.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Cheap lies and falsehoods all form part and parcel of the utterly false pontificate created by the excommunicated formal heretic priest Jorge Bergoglio SJ.
(Catholics worldwide have been asked to pray for his removal from any official church position.)More
Cheap lies and falsehoods all form part and parcel of the utterly false pontificate created by the excommunicated formal heretic priest Jorge Bergoglio SJ.

(Catholics worldwide have been asked to pray for his removal from any official church position.)