Francis: A Porn Pontificate that Makes Borgia Popes Jealous

Francis is "very old and very sick, and yet he insists that he is not", writes (12 March). There is that "strange cold" that has not left him for a long time and the …More
Francis is "very old and very sick, and yet he insists that he is not", writes (12 March).
There is that "strange cold" that has not left him for a long time and the painful spectacle of his frustrated attempt to get into the Papa-mobile last week.
Francis wants to give the impression that he is in excellent health, because "a sick sovereign is a weak sovereign".
According to Caminante-Wanderer, he has ordered his most faithful partisans to prevent criticism from the "informal Catholic media".
But since Francis has no control over them, his only means is to pressure them, and if he cannot do that, then to slander them.
An example of the first is the [little known] channel "La Sacristía de la Vendée", which was recently shut down.
An example of the second is Francis' attempt to label Catholics as "ultras", "reactionaries", "indietrists", "semi-Pelagians" and "pickle-faces in vinegar" etc.
Massimo Faggioli, one of Francis' propagandists, recently …More
English Catholic
Has he been covid-vaccinated? A lot of people I know who have been covid-vaccinated seem to catch virus after virus.
Vincent Capuano
He claimed that taking the vax was an act of love.
Payback for promoting experimental jabs tested with cell lines from a 14 week female unborn baby? That he should have promoted such a thing - and set a precedent that Big Pharma can continue to abuse - is diabolical.
Like Biden, "the emperor has no clothes!"
Opera 369
All he is: That 'man dressed in dirty white' that no bleach can 'whiten' no matter what. He's never been the pope. Benedict XVI was the last Catholic Pope of the True Church. In his latest book, environmentalist Bergo, is trying to cover up that fact, that he and Benedict were NOT friends; writing instead that people who "think that way, are only provoking a schism..." Well, if the schism is to …More
All he is: That 'man dressed in dirty white' that no bleach can 'whiten' no matter what. He's never been the pope. Benedict XVI was the last Catholic Pope of the True Church. In his latest book, environmentalist Bergo, is trying to cover up that fact, that he and Benedict were NOT friends; writing instead that people who "think that way, are only provoking a schism..." Well, if the schism is to materialize (if it hasn't yet) is only due to the fact that on that sad and unfortunate day of March 13 2013, the St. Gallen Mafia (according to the revelations by Cardinal Daneels before he died) placed on the Chair of Peter a masonic jesuit friend of the pagan globalist regime = JMB. NOT because people believe that Benedict XVI was NO FRIEND of 'francis'! Stop manipulating people Bergoglio, you will go down in history as the ANTI-CATHOLIC CHURCH jesuit, usurper of the Throne of Peter! Thank the Lord many catholics have awakened and more are waking up to .. embrace the Truth!