"My Lord is Jesus Christ” - Usyk in Saudi Arabia Oleksandr Usyk, who became the undisputed heavyweight champion today, gave glory to Jesus Christ after beating Anthony Joshua in Saudi Arabia in 2022.
chris griffin
Combat sports for money is a sin. "Everything that is not of Faith is sin".
It's a sport with rules -you can't go beyond resonable limits that would inflict serious damage or death albeit there is risk and accidents happen, just as in other professional sports, like football, hockey, etc. This is why martial sports practioners hug and shake hands afterword with respect and without hard feelings.
Even some at the amateur level recieve pay. There is nothing in the Catechism …More
It's a sport with rules -you can't go beyond resonable limits that would inflict serious damage or death albeit there is risk and accidents happen, just as in other professional sports, like football, hockey, etc. This is why martial sports practioners hug and shake hands afterword with respect and without hard feelings.

Even some at the amateur level recieve pay. There is nothing in the Catechism or Church teaching that prohibits being a professional athlete, or declares it a sin.
True Mass
Thank you for clarifying philosopher. UFC is all I have left in sports world. 😊
Combat sports is not a sin. We can live out our Catholic Faith through the active life.
Maria coredemptrix
Wenn er im wahren trad. katholischen Glauben Jesus Christus verherrlichen möchte, dann soll er diese Aktivität nicht weiter ausüben, denn dies macht keinen Sinn.