
Child Abuse: Francis’ Transvestite Sister Endorses “Trans Children”

The Argentine Carmelite Sister Monica Astorga Cremona, a transvestite activist, believes that children may live as transvestites.

During a 2016 campaign, she held up a text which says: “Childhood trans without violence or discrimination - Join us!“ A photo of this was published in November 2017 by Hermán Rossi, a local politician, on FaceBook.com.

Francis praised Astorga in August for her connivence with transvestite male prostitutes.

Astorga started in 2006 in Neuquen Province, Argentina. Cardinal Bergoglio visited the place in 2009 and approved it.

She cooperates with the organisation “Vidas Escondidas” (Hidden Lives) whose president is the transvestite Lujan Acuna who says that transvestites in his care may prostitute themselves “as an option” and believes that “if they want to prostitute themselves, they should do it.”


Gesù è con noi
With the complicity of the anti Pope Bergoglio this apostate nun is killing many souls. The Didache of the apostles condemns the corruption of minors: you will not prostitute children, nor will you lead them to vice. "you shall not corrupt boys"
Our Lady of Sorrows
Please spread this Video as UK "Catholic" Bishops are corrupting our children in Catholic schools with immoral Sex Education. Teachers stop co-operating with evil. Please contact schools in your area to warn parents.
"Evil flourishes when good people do nothing"
Our Lady of Sorrows
"whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me; it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he were cast into the sea"