
Male Transvestites: Francis Implies That Vatican II Theology Is Inimical of God

“God, who did not go to seminary or study theology, will repay you abundantly,” Francis wrote with his own hand to Carmelite Sister Mónica Astorga of Centenario, Argentina, who has a weakness for male transvestites and confirms them in their vice.

Francis words imply that Vatican II seminaries and theologians teach what is inimical to God - which is true in most cases.

According to VidaNuevaDigital.com (August 17), Francis promised sister to pray for “you and your girls” - implying that Sister Mónica also has "daughters" which could not be verified immediately, however, her transvestites appear to be homosexual prostitutes and drug-addicts who for their business dress like women.

This is not the first time that Francis got excited about Sister Mónica's transvestites.

Picture: © Mazur, Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsScbbvtqsyh

la verdad prevalece
In 2017 the heresiarch Bergoglio endorsed the book about the Gay activist nun, who is in cahoots with other well-known Argentine apostates. The apostate nun has endorsed and cooperated with the propagation of the Pro Gay book "The homosexual child in elementary school and in the Bible that openly promotes gender ideology. www.infocatolica.com/…/1708220350-el-n…
la verdad prevalece
James Martin promotes the diabolical gender ideology in complicity with Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio leads an apostate sect of unrepentant sodomites worshipers of the Pachamama.
la verdad prevalece
Transvestites Lujan Acuña, president of the gay NGO supported by Bergoglio, celebrates Pachamama. nazareusrex.blogspot.com/…/travesti-lujan-…
Gesù è con noi
Pay attention to Ultraviolet's first comment that he was not outraged by the fact that Bergoglio is supporting the Gay project of the Argentine gay activist nun whom Bergoglio has known since 2009 nor did he comment to defend the Catholic moral doctrine that is being attacked by Bergoglio himself but rather he commented to justify the heresiarch Bergoglio. This is a classic example of Bergoglio´…More
Pay attention to Ultraviolet's first comment that he was not outraged by the fact that Bergoglio is supporting the Gay project of the Argentine gay activist nun whom Bergoglio has known since 2009 nor did he comment to defend the Catholic moral doctrine that is being attacked by Bergoglio himself but rather he commented to justify the heresiarch Bergoglio. This is a classic example of Bergoglio´s idolatry.
Gesù è con noi
The fact that Bergoglio since 2009 supported the gay project of the apostate Marxist nun Mónica Astorga Cremona is another proof that Bergoglio did not profess the Catholic faith in Argentina. And that in Argentina he was already a schism, heretic and apostate, therefore he has not been pope, not even a single day of his life since the Magisterium of the Church makes it impossible for heretics, …More
The fact that Bergoglio since 2009 supported the gay project of the apostate Marxist nun Mónica Astorga Cremona is another proof that Bergoglio did not profess the Catholic faith in Argentina. And that in Argentina he was already a schism, heretic and apostate, therefore he has not been pope, not even a single day of his life since the Magisterium of the Church makes it impossible for heretics, women and children to become Catholic Pope.
Gesù è con noi
“Those capable of being validly elected are all who are not prohibited by divine law or by an invalidating ecclesiastical law… Those who are barred as incapable of being validly elected are all women, children who have not reached the age of reason; also, those afflicted with habitual insanity, the unbaptized, heretics, schismatics…” (Wernz-Vidal, Jus Canonicum 1:415)
Gesù è con noi
To believe that an apostate like Bergoglio could become a Catholic pope is a sin of idolatry.
Bergoglio since he started at the seminary was a heretic he said it since. And his mentor esther ballestrino was a red marxist he hide prohibited marxist books in a catholic place. He always said she taught him many things he is proud of.
When he was order a priest he was excomunicated latae sententia years before.
la verdad prevalece
A 'catholic' who accepts a stubborn public heretic as pope has a name is called an apostate, because that means that the gates of Hell, which is heresy, reigns in that 'church' to which he now belongs, which of course is not the Catholic Church. The Bergoglio sect does not have the four marks of the Catholic Church. A de-centralized sect where holiness does not reign but the vice of sodomy, where …More
A 'catholic' who accepts a stubborn public heretic as pope has a name is called an apostate, because that means that the gates of Hell, which is heresy, reigns in that 'church' to which he now belongs, which of course is not the Catholic Church. The Bergoglio sect does not have the four marks of the Catholic Church. A de-centralized sect where holiness does not reign but the vice of sodomy, where the absolute truth that comes from the Holy Spirit does not reign but heresy and chaos. Where there is no repentance but obstinacy in vice and heresy. Whether they like to hear the Truth or not, this is the sect to which the Bergoglians belong, which has an apostate for a pope. The Catechism of Saint Pius X clearly states that heretics and apostates do not belong to the Catholic Church.
la verdad prevalece
The Lesbian Transvestite "Diego Neria" said: “After seeing the Pope, I left with my head held high I heard Mass and received communion. Read between the lines ...” “I'm living again what I had been denied, or what I had forbidden, such as communion and sacrament.”
U.S. diocese: Pope Francis ‘guided our work’ to allow trans, LGBTQ students into schools
Gesù è con noi
“By their fruit you will recognize them” ~Jesus Christ
According to Saint Paul this action of bergoglio makes him a sodomite. Also supporting james martin and electing homosexuals as cardinals bishops and so. There is no doubt bergoglio is sodomite. And he doesnot show any Remorse.
Take a look how @Gesù è con noi is too stupid to read. I already DID comment on this post and criticized Pope Francis for being his foolish self. Scroll down. I ALSO commented on a point @Dr Bobus made. I ALSO commented on your spam. I ALSO commented on @Be Ye Separate and his paedo sock-puppet account " @Joseph a' Christian".
Most importantly, if I say ANYTHING in the comments section. even …More
Take a look how @Gesù è con noi is too stupid to read. I already DID comment on this post and criticized Pope Francis for being his foolish self. Scroll down. I ALSO commented on a point @Dr Bobus made. I ALSO commented on your spam. I ALSO commented on @Be Ye Separate and his paedo sock-puppet account " @Joseph a' Christian".

Most importantly, if I say ANYTHING in the comments section. even if it was irrelevant, I STILL did comment.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
In 2017 Bergoglio also treated transvestite prostitutes as women When one of them died, the mother called him Luisito and the nun confronted her and called him Luisina 😡
Gesù è con noi
Take a look how @Ultraviolet does not comment but maliciously initiates personal attacks against Catholics to divert the spotlight away from this serious news. This Behavior is typical of professional trolls.
adeste fideles
... she won't change ,she's ultra-pragmatic, She doesn't mind following heretics, if it's practical,she will.
Gesù è con noi
Ultraviolet you are a liar! Yesterday GloriaTv’ system strangely published on the first page several videos from 2011 and 2017 that hid this news. And after complaining (so that other brothers could see what was happening on the Gloria TV system of the English page) I copied the link of the news in the videos that the system had uploaded by ´mistake´. After I copied the link @Ultraviolet used …More
Ultraviolet you are a liar! Yesterday GloriaTv’ system strangely published on the first page several videos from 2011 and 2017 that hid this news. And after complaining (so that other brothers could see what was happening on the Gloria TV system of the English page) I copied the link of the news in the videos that the system had uploaded by ´mistake´. After I copied the link @Ultraviolet used it as a pretext to initiate a personal attack against me.
Gesù è con noi
IP ???? So you are indirectly admitting that you are a moderator?
Slander implies falsehood @Be Ye Second Account @Joseph a' Christian was all excited over sexually abused children. I called him on it and he stopped posting. It's YOUR account and easily proven, even without the IP. So why did you stop? I asked you that and, yeah, I'm going to KEEP asking you that until you give straight answer, you paedo-creep.
"False Francis supports transvestite prostitutes …More
Slander implies falsehood @Be Ye Second Account @Joseph a' Christian was all excited over sexually abused children. I called him on it and he stopped posting. It's YOUR account and easily proven, even without the IP. So why did you stop? I asked you that and, yeah, I'm going to KEEP asking you that until you give straight answer, you paedo-creep.

"False Francis supports transvestite prostitutes, this is indefensible."

What's indefensible is Joseph a' Paedo's ungodly lusts. What's indefensible is your constant homo topic-shifting. That's indefensible.

"You make disgusting slanderous remarks against faithful Catholics who speak out against the perverts."

You "speak out against the perverts" as a way of indulging your own perversion and to direct attention from it.

I'm sure if the police took a look inside your computer right now, they'd find EXACTLY what you "speak out against".

See, that's the difference between us. I -know- my computer is clean and I -know- your computer will send you to prison where you belong.
Be Ye Separate
False Francis supports transvestite prostitutes, this is indefensible. So you make a pathetic comment to mislead, gloria.tv. When that does not work, you make disgusting slanderous remarks against faithful Catholics who speak out against the perverts.
You defend evil.
Gesu's post, verifies and reveals more information about False Francis' disgusting support of Transvestite prostitutes.
You can …More
False Francis supports transvestite prostitutes, this is indefensible. So you make a pathetic comment to mislead, gloria.tv. When that does not work, you make disgusting slanderous remarks against faithful Catholics who speak out against the perverts.
You defend evil.
Gesu's post, verifies and reveals more information about False Francis' disgusting support of Transvestite prostitutes.
You can vainly try to deflect the ugly truth, by slandering Catholics.
Yet, False Francis also protected the pedophile predator McCarrick.
Truth Is Truth, @Ultraviolet, Lawyer for homo predators.
"Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart, For They Shall See God!" Amen Lord Jesus!
gloria.tv of Ultraviolet, he defends perverts.
You didn't answer my question @Be Ye Second Account. Were you worried the police would search your computer for child-porn when I caught you as @Joseph a' Christian all excited over sexually abused children?.
"Joseph a' Christian" DID stop posting right after that. No lie there. It's your account. No lie there either.
Answer me that @Be Ye Separate aka Joseph a' Paedo.
The fact the Pope's …More
You didn't answer my question @Be Ye Second Account. Were you worried the police would search your computer for child-porn when I caught you as @Joseph a' Christian all excited over sexually abused children?.

"Joseph a' Christian" DID stop posting right after that. No lie there. It's your account. No lie there either.

Answer me that @Be Ye Separate aka Joseph a' Paedo.

The fact the Pope's cosmology is stupid, you ignore. THAT he explicitly stated. No, you're more interested in something he didn't say because you can get all sex-talk about it.


"her transvestites appear to be homosexual prostitutes and drug-addicts who for their business dress like women."

You just LOVE wallowing in all that muck. Going on and on and ON about the details. Don'tcha?

You're no different than those two sexually obsessed inquistors who wrote the Malleus Naleficarum. They had the same fixation on sex. The only difference is they were at least heteros, not like you.

"This is not the first time that Francis got excited about Transvestites"

This is not the first time YOU got excited about transvestites. :D

"Are you spiritually blind, or a habitual liar?"

Fallacies of the loaded question and the false dilemma. Nice combo fallacy there, creep.

Francis did NOT say anything sexual that's a fact. You can't quote ONE sexually oriented word from his letter. Not even one.

The best you can do is -infer- a sexual meaning he didn't state.

Big surprised. a homosexual freak like you is an expert at reading "sex" into everything..

You've been ranting about homosexual bishops on a post about a college radio station that plays metal music. That's how far your illness goes.

"your own words describe yourself, you are a perverted creep defending your fellow pedophiles."

...said the guy who stopped posting on his other GTV-account after he got caught being a paedo. Cool story, Creep.

You're wasting time here. The tranny-porn sites are waiting for you. Or are you already "done" there for today? ;-)
Be Ye Separate
The Truth Will Set You Free! Gesu's comment right beneath yours, confirms that you defend evil. You defend McCarrick the homo predator's defender False Francis.
I caught Gesu acting like a spam-bot and your Joseph A Christian account acting like a paedo. Tell me who's "defending evil", creep.
In your case, the truth won't set you free. It will send up in prison.. :PMore
I caught Gesu acting like a spam-bot and your Joseph A Christian account acting like a paedo. Tell me who's "defending evil", creep.

In your case, the truth won't set you free. It will send up in prison.. :P
Gesù è con noi
The transvestites were already activists when they met the apostate nun-Monica Astorga who then decided to help them with their trans-activism movement..
Gesù è con noi
This Argentina News page explains how they met. Noticias de Argentina pagina 12:
La monja de clausura y las activistas trans trabajan juntas hace diez años

Hace veinte años, formaron una asociación; hace diez, una monja de clausura conoció su trabajo y resolvió apoyarlas en el día a día. La ONG funciona en un espacio del obispado. Planean un microemprendimiento con apoyo del Estado provincial.More
This Argentina News page explains how they met. Noticias de Argentina pagina 12:
La monja de clausura y las activistas trans trabajan juntas hace diez años

Hace veinte años, formaron una asociación; hace diez, una monja de clausura conoció su trabajo y resolvió apoyarlas en el día a día. La ONG funciona en un espacio del obispado. Planean un microemprendimiento con apoyo del Estado provincial.

Fue esa monja la que, tras conocer a la activista que quería donar y conocer el trabajo de la pequeña asociación, intercedió ante el entonces obispo Marcleo Melani.
Astorga is a lgbt activist supported by bergoglio as he has james martin.
astorga is loved by lgbt group in argentina they respect her as their leader
Gesù è con noi
Mónica Astorga covers her LGBT activism under the façade of pulling transvestites out of prostitution while advancing her gay agenda, when in fact the first transvestite gay activist prostitute to come into contact with her despite receiving training and financial aid to open a beauty salon continues to practice prostitution. The NGO Vidas Escondidas founded by the apostate gay activist nun promotes …More
Mónica Astorga covers her LGBT activism under the façade of pulling transvestites out of prostitution while advancing her gay agenda, when in fact the first transvestite gay activist prostitute to come into contact with her despite receiving training and financial aid to open a beauty salon continues to practice prostitution. The NGO Vidas Escondidas founded by the apostate gay activist nun promotes gender ideology.
Gesù è con noi
The same transvestite president of the NGO defends the practice of prostitution as a choice.
Luján Acuña, president of the NGO: “For us most of the time there is no other way out than prostitution. From here we give other possibilities. If the comrades want to prostitute themselves, they should do it, but let it be an option, not the only way out "
Yes astorga is one of them.
Lgbt hates anyone that converts gays into heterosexuals.they love astorga. They know she is one of them.
Be Ye Separate
Your blatantly lying again,gloria.tv.
You bark out, a satanic dog, defending evil.
"Francis promised sister to pray for “you and your girls” - implying that Sister Mónica also has "daughters" which could not be verified immediately, however, her transvestites appear to be homosexual prostitutes and drug-addicts who for their business dress like women.
This is not the first time that Francis got …More
Your blatantly lying again,gloria.tv.
You bark out, a satanic dog, defending evil.
"Francis promised sister to pray for “you and your girls” - implying that Sister Mónica also has "daughters" which could not be verified immediately, however, her transvestites appear to be homosexual prostitutes and drug-addicts who for their business dress like women.
This is not the first time that Francis got excited about Transvestites"
UV: "
Pope Francis wrote a stupid letter mentioning God's lack of formal education to a nun, @Be Ye Illiterate He said NOTHING sexual. That's what YOU want to talk about because YOU are a pervert obsessed with homosexuality, especiallytransvestites/ transsexuals/ trans whatevers."
Are you spiritually blind, or a habitual liar?
You defend evil, your own words describe yourself, you are a perverted creep defending your fellow pedophiles. As you say, "You're slime. Homosexual pedophile slime. The worst kind of human slime there is."
"for their perverse queer acts, here False Francis even endorses...." @Be Ye Hypocrite The only thing queer on GTV is you, Creep.
You're worse, actually. You stopped posting on your @Joseph a' Christian account when I caught you getting excited over sexually abused children. Why did "Joseph a' Christian" stop posting after that? Were you worried about the police paying you a visit with a …More
"for their perverse queer acts, here False Francis even endorses...." @Be Ye Hypocrite The only thing queer on GTV is you, Creep.

You're worse, actually. You stopped posting on your @Joseph a' Christian account when I caught you getting excited over sexually abused children. Why did "Joseph a' Christian" stop posting after that? Were you worried about the police paying you a visit with a warrant for your computer? Answer me that @Be Ye Separate aka Joseph a' Paedo.

Pope Francis wrote a stupid letter mentioning God's lack of formal education to a nun, @Be Ye Illiterate He said NOTHING sexual. That's what YOU want to talk about because YOU are a pervert obsessed with homosexuality, especially transvestites/ transsexuals/ trans whatevers.

They're your second choice after children.

The word "transvestite" in a GTV title? Sure got YOU excited in a hurry, didn't it? Creep. This yesterday's post. It is NOT at the top of GTV's board but it's your FIRST post of the day and it's sexual. Shows what YOU think about, eh?

Obsession implies a constant fixation with a subject. Like the way YOUR first post on GTV is about sex. Like the way YOU constantly topic-shift onto sexual subjects because it stimulates your disordered sexuality.

There is no false slander (a redundancy, btw) in pointing out YOU insist on doing what you're doing right now, right here. Shoving your sick fixation with sex everywhere it doesn't belong and inevitably on other people's posts. You are a deviant and a creep.

"you avoid the main issue".

The main issue, you degenerate, is the sheer stupidity of what the Pope wrote. durr hurr God never went to seminary or studied theology. Seminary? Who's going to -teach- God anything? Better still, who's going to ordain... God?

You can't notice that because YOU are busy getting your homosexual jollies over something not even mentioned in his letter. That is what YOU choose to call "the main issue".

It's the "main issue" for YOU because YOU are a sexual degenerate obsessed with deviancy in all its forms. You want to talk about sex all the time? Go post on a sex board.

"Don't include us Catholics with your cult of pagan degenerates."

You are a schismatic. You are not a Catholic. Canon Law is quite clear on that.

The Church is also clear about your homosexuality. The Church calls it "deeply disordered".

Personally, I think that's a charitable description at best both of it, and you. You're slime. Homosexual pedophile slime. The worst kind of human slime there is.

Your "Catholic" Jesus-slogans make it all worse.
Be Ye Separate
False Francis is obviously "obsessed" with extreme perversions. @Ultraviolet
You rant and falsely slander faithful Catholics, for pointing out the incessant pervions of False Francis and his homosexual gang of imposter priests.
Yet, you do not bellow out your usual, "obsessed with homosexuals, child sex and transvestites," at the actual demented, false priests. False Francis and his pervert …More
False Francis is obviously "obsessed" with extreme perversions. @Ultraviolet

You rant and falsely slander faithful Catholics, for pointing out the incessant pervions of False Francis and his homosexual gang of imposter priests.
Yet, you do not bellow out your usual, "obsessed with homosexuals, child sex and transvestites," at the actual demented, false priests. False Francis and his pervert priests have been in the news again, several more times in just 24 hours, for their perverse queer acts, here False Francis even endorses a pack of transvestites.
Your comments are twisted. Below you avoid the main issue of False Francis' ongoing filth and heresies, and instead misdirect and point at a Catholic, who is not guilty of False Francis' sins- Gesu.
"Our pontiff" you write, NO! Don't include us Catholics with your cult of pagan degenerates.
Jesus Is Truth.
Our pontiff is being his usual derpy self. An omniscient (all-knowing) God doesn't HAVE to go to seminary or study theology. Theology is the study of God's nature. Why would God study Himself? More importantly, who would presume to lecture God on that subject? Let's see how many moar posts Gesu goes all spam-bot on with this...
Gesù è con noi
«Last year, Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, joined by other prelates, issued a public declaration of truths of the faith where they called it a rebellion and “grave sin” for a man to “attempt to become a woman.”
Gesù è con noi
Apostate nun Mónica Astorga Cremona, 53, known locally in Argentina as the “Nun of the Trans,” cut the ribbon on the new complex of twelve small apartments dedicated solely to housing men claiming to be women and their partners. www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-pr…