
It Won't Go Away, Francis: Old Rite Catholics Kneel In Rain Beside Unused Church

The journalist Paweł Milcarek published two pictures of Last Sunday's Roman Mass in Warsaw-Praga Diocese, Poland, which is headed by Bishop Romuald Kamiński, 66. The faithful are seen attending Mass …More
The journalist Paweł Milcarek published two pictures of Last Sunday's Roman Mass in Warsaw-Praga Diocese, Poland, which is headed by Bishop Romuald Kamiński, 66.
The faithful are seen attending Mass in an overfilled tiny chapel, and therefore kneeling in the rain outside. A big church is a stone’s throw away and unused.
Another Roman Mass chapel of the same diocese is located in an attic in Otwock where, despite open windows, the faithful have barely enough air to breathe.
Paweł Milcarek ist Unterzeichner dieser Petition:
Francis' Liturgical War: New Website Against Traditionis Custodes
"Someone in thie web site accused anyone who thinks Bergoglio is a false pope of sedevacantism. LOL. @Angelo Santelli Why don't you quote them word-for-word and link the post where the comment was made, Angelito? I'd like to read this comment, and not the third-rate inaccurate requoting of it by the likes of you.
Btw. better re-read the Announcement before you get yourself banned. Protip: saying …More
"Someone in thie web site accused anyone who thinks Bergoglio is a false pope of sedevacantism. LOL. @Angelo Santelli Why don't you quote them word-for-word and link the post where the comment was made, Angelito? I'd like to read this comment, and not the third-rate inaccurate requoting of it by the likes of you.

Btw. better re-read the Announcement before you get yourself banned. Protip: saying "LOL" doesn't show the statement is wrong, either. A fool's laughter isn't proof of anything save they are a fool.
Unbelievable. Saint Paul VI loved the Old Mass in the 1970's. Saint John Paul II defended it and encouraged in the 1980's. And Francis hopes that the youth enjoying that Mass shall create the bright future for the Church. No, wait... No "god of surprises" here.
Paul VI was a heretic and a traitor, who said he loved the Mass while he outlawed it (it's documented, and Ratzinger was either confused or mendaciious when he said it wasn't). As much as Francis, Paul VI said one thing while doing another.
J G Tasan
And now, they are enjoying their “saintly” life somewhere up there… 🤭
Angelo Santelli
Someone in thie web site accused anyone who thinks Bergoglio is a false pope of sedevacantism. LOL We don't even have certitude regarding the validity of apostolic succession (ask Catherine of Sienna). The Church is not the Pope-- the Church, because of the Paraclete, is indefectible. Bergoglio is not the Church-- he is a sore, a pus, on its underside. The Jesuit Superior General told Karol Woytyla …More
Someone in thie web site accused anyone who thinks Bergoglio is a false pope of sedevacantism. LOL We don't even have certitude regarding the validity of apostolic succession (ask Catherine of Sienna). The Church is not the Pope-- the Church, because of the Paraclete, is indefectible. Bergoglio is not the Church-- he is a sore, a pus, on its underside. The Jesuit Superior General told Karol Woytyla not to make Bergoglio a Bishop. Why? And why did Wotyla, who ignored the pedophile filth of the Legionairres of Christ, become canonized when Pius XI has not been?

Wake up.
Ratzinger was notoriously confused. Like when John Paul II had written Fides and ratio and he had to uncondemn certain Fr. Rosmini.