Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Dominic of Silos. Cardinal Feels At Home With the Orthodox Vatican In an interview with AsiaNews service, the president of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Dominic of Silos.

Cardinal Feels At Home With the Orthodox


In an interview with AsiaNews service, the president of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity Cardinal Kurt Koch said that the prospects for achieving real unity with the Orthodox are promising, and the Church can learn a great deal from the Eastern collegiality: “This is because the Orthodox have maintained the structures, the mentality and vision of the ancient Church.” The Cardinal added: “Although the break with these ancient Orthodox churches took place more than a millennium ago, I feel at home when I visit them.”

Archbishop of Birmingham Attacks Catholic Protesters


Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham has accused a group of pro-life and pro-family Catholics of being “judgmental” in their opposition to an official “gay” Mass in the archdiocese of Westminster. Longley is regarded as a theological conservative. In an interview with “The Tablet” he said: “I assume that the people praying and protesting outside the church where the Masses are held, are acting out of prejudice.” The so-called Soho Masses were instituted in London in 2007. At that time Longely was an auxiliary of Westminster. He found a place for the homosexuals in the parish, Our Lady of the Assumption in Soho in London. The Masses are openly supportive of the “homosexual lifestyle”. Some of the organizers publish materials on the Internet that oppose the Catholic teaching on sexuality.

Ten Advantages For Celebrating Ad Orientem


After 5 years of celebrating mass ad orientem Dom Mark Daniel Kirby Prior of the Diocesan Benedictine Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle in Tulsa, Oklahoma gives on his blog ten advantages of offering Mass in this way. 1. This helps experiencing the theocentric focus of Mass. 2. The faithful are spared clerocentrism. 3. It shows that the Canon of the Mass is addressed to the Father. 4. The sacrificial character of the Mass is affirmed. 5. One discovers the rightness of praying silently, reciting or cantillating at certain moments. 6. It affords the celebrant the boon of a holy modesty. 7. It facilitates identification with Christ. 8. It helps recollecting. 9. The faithful become more reverent. 10. The entire celebration of Holy Mass gains in reverence, attention, and devotion.

Why So Popular?


By now more than 30 million people have watched videos of the “flash mob” performances of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” in Philadelphia and in Windsor, Ontario. Religion columnist Terry Mattingly has asked the question/ why these performances are so popular. He wonders /why Handel’s deeply religious piece, with its homage to the “King of Kings and Lord or Lords,”/ is still beloved in a secular society. Mattingly questions whether the music is so familiar/ that people no longer hear the words/, so that “the most famous anthem from this Christian masterpiece has reached the public square of our age, in the same mix as ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.’”
Hi how can I publish/upload videos?
The poor homosexual oriented bishop has the dignity of a successor of the Apostles, however among the Twelve there was also one exceptional - the betrayer.
Just to be precise - might Langley be Church of England? not Roman even if he tried! Gosh...... unreal! 🤮
Holy Cannoli
Archbishop of Birmingham Attacks Catholic Protesters
Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham has accused a group of pro-life and pro-family Catholics of being “judgmental”
“I assume that the people praying and protesting outside the church where the Masses are held, are acting out of prejudice.”
So then, in an astounding display of "logic", …More
Archbishop of Birmingham Attacks Catholic Protesters

Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham has accused a group of pro-life and pro-family Catholics of being “judgmental”


“I assume that the people praying and protesting outside the church where the Masses are held, are acting out of prejudice.”

So then, in an astounding display of "logic", Archbishop Longley accuses the pro-life/pro-family Catholics of being "judgmental" but he himself goes on to accuse those same Catholics as "acting out of prejudice."


Good morning
