Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Peter Canisius. Sacrificing the Moral Beliefs USA By a 65-31 vote, the US Senate has repealed the 1993 “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, thus paving the way for open …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Peter Canisius.

Sacrificing the Moral Beliefs
By a 65-31 vote, the US Senate has repealed the 1993 “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, thus paving the way for open homosexuals to serve in the military. Military Services Archbishop Timothy Broglio had opposed the repeal, noting that “sacrificing the moral beliefs of individuals or their living conditions to respond to merely political considerations is neither just nor prudent, especially for the armed forces at a time of war.

80 Additional Places


On November 21, 2010, the 3rd "Conference for Catholic Unity" was held in Versailles. It marked the three years that have passed since the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum came into effect. Around 700 people attended the conference. Journalist Daniel Hamiche [=Amish] opened the debates. He put forward the view that the Extraordinary Form ought to become the Ordinary one by its becoming celebrated more often and everywhere. The Ordinary Form should become Extraordinary following the much-talked-about Reform of the Reform. The Motu Proprio has in three years given France 80 additional places for the celebration of this Mass.

The Single Most Grievous Moral Deficit


Lord Nicholas Windsor - The Duke of Windsor - has captured attention with an article in First Things magazine. Nicholas forfeited his place in the line of succession to the British crown when he entered the Catholic Church. In his article he refers to abortion as “the single most grievous moral deficit in contemporary life.” Lord Nicholas writes that the acceptance of unrestricted legal abortion poses a graver threat to European society than the activities of terrorist groups like Al Qaida.

Pope Visits His Libary


Last Saturday, Pope Benedict XVI visited the Apostolic Library, which reopened in September after an extensive 3-year remodeling. The Pope blessed the new facilities, and toured the rooms. He was accompanied by Cardinal Raffaele Farina, the Vatican archivist and librarian. The library has been thoroughly modernized, the structures reinforced, and new features installed to protect the collection and comply with modern safety codes.
Holy Cannoli
Sacrificing the Moral Beliefs
By a 65-31 vote, the US Senate has repealed the 1993 “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, thus paving the way for open homosexuals to serve in the military.
How can this not be a Catholic issue? Regrettably, the Catholic Church in the United States has been emasculated by spineless clerics, ignorance and decades of heterodoxy which …More
Sacrificing the Moral Beliefs


By a 65-31 vote, the US Senate has repealed the 1993 “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, thus paving the way for open homosexuals to serve in the military.

How can this not be a Catholic issue? Regrettably, the Catholic Church in the United States has been emasculated by spineless clerics, ignorance and decades of heterodoxy which has been allowed to spread unchecked by those with the authority to put a stop to it. i.e., Rome.

Military men and women are the ones who will pay a very high price for Congress’ reckless decision to help President Barack Hussein Obama deliver on political campaign promises to LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) activists.

Who is this man Obama? Briefly, he is pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, pro-euthanasia, pro-sodomy, and cites as his mentor an evil person (Saul Alinsky) who dedicates his book (Rules for Radicals) to Lucifer. Yet, he was elected with a majority of the Catholic vote. (Catholics, who accounted for about a quarter of the electorate, supported Obama, at 54 percent, over McCain, at 45 percent.)

How can this not be a Catholic issue?

Guten Morgen
