LGBT Drag Queens Given Access to Little Childen: Join the Protest

With all urgency -- I'm writing to ask you to sign this protest because Vanderburgh Public Library in Indiana is hosting a "gender-bending" event that targets children as young as 3. You and I must …More
With all urgency -- I'm writing to ask you to sign this protest because Vanderburgh Public Library in Indiana is hosting a "gender-bending" event that targets children as young as 3.
You and I must not be silent because the event:
-- Attacks the innocence of children
-- Turns tax-dollar funded library into a place of corruption
-- Constitutes a new form of child abuse
-- Offends God Who created male and female
In fact, one "drag queen" involved in the program in Lafayette, La. confessed:
"This is going to be the grooming of the next generation." [see video] So please act now. Sign your immediate protest. Thanks to peaceful protest, the sinful program was stopped in some cities. -- Canceled in Atlanta, Georgia -- Canceled in Lafayette, Louisiana You'll be happy to know that TFP-Louisiana volunteers helped stop a "Drag Queen Story Hour" at the library in Lafayette. At least for now. But the ACLU got involved. And the "tolerant" activists are at it again, attempting to turn what used to …More
Perverts are going to be perverts. The biggest travesty here is that parents voluntarily bring their innocent children to these things.
When I look at this pervert dressed as a woman, I see the face of satan. Eternal shame on these parents who bring their children to this filth.
Misery loves/needs company. Pray for these children, and these molesters, for God's mercy.