
Episcopal Action Needed to Solve Papal Crisis

While complacent Catholics entertain the false security that the gates of hell can do no harm to the Church, the fact remains that the current papacy under …
Matt it would be funny if it weren't so infuriating. To the post-conciliar neocat, particulary the delusional "JPII was the bestest pope ever" crowd, the only narrative they can spin is the notion that every post conciliar pope was simply a well intended but ignorant dupe, unaware that they were making bishops and cardinals out of sodomites, and thwarted in their holy intentions by wicked cardinals …More
Matt it would be funny if it weren't so infuriating. To the post-conciliar neocat, particulary the delusional "JPII was the bestest pope ever" crowd, the only narrative they can spin is the notion that every post conciliar pope was simply a well intended but ignorant dupe, unaware that they were making bishops and cardinals out of sodomites, and thwarted in their holy intentions by wicked cardinals that each pope was completely powerless to stop.

And the worst part is that they actually believe that tripe. Why? Because the alternative is too awful for them to bear: that the popes they worship were terrible, including Wojtyla.
Yes, a bad case of papalotry. Probably from all that man worship with the novus ordo.
"Probably from all that man worship with the novus ordo."
That is an excellent point. Worship misdirected at some point will disorient the person. Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi.More
"Probably from all that man worship with the novus ordo."

That is an excellent point. Worship misdirected at some point will disorient the person. Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi.
REsist reject refuse heresies stand firm with the Truth of the Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Eponymous Flower thinks the other counciliar popes fought for the Latin mass??? Or that they couldn't do anything with all the bad cardinals pressuring them. This is not a democracy. The Pope has the highest authority in the visible Church. What ignorance to think they were so much better than Francis. It was Paul VI who did the most damage to Church.