France: The Church Collapses - Literally

In Garbicz, a hamlet outside Toulouse, France, the roof of the two-hundred-year-old church collapsed in early January, completely destroying the building. According to Maryelle Vidal, mayor of Monferran …More
In Garbicz, a hamlet outside Toulouse, France, the roof of the two-hundred-year-old church collapsed in early January, completely destroying the building.
According to Maryelle Vidal, mayor of Monferran-Savès-Garbic (853 inhabitants), speaking to French media activists, what happened was "inevitable".
The beams were waterlogged and "we knew very well that the roof had to be rebuilt", she said, "but unfortunately we had no funds". All French churches built before 1905 were nationalised.
As a result, the mayor now has to find 200,000 euros to repair the damage.
In Saramon, 25 kilometres away, the church tower collapsed last March, causing 400,000 euros in damage.
May be a sign of what is awaiting France if it continues on its current path. Numerous mystics foretold many French bishops going astray and the destruction of Paris. France, the eldest daughter of the Church, which is meant to lead by example....
Wichita Knight
This building was not "completely destroyed." The roof collapsed on about 1/3 of the building. Completely destroyed is the Kaiser Wilhelm memorial church in Berlin. Hyperbole destroys credibility.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is sad. Maybe a sign from Heaven that the French Church is committing grave error by following heretic Pope Francis with his homo blessings trash.
Speaking of Pope Francis , reports posted 2 hrs. ago that I just saw claim that he's sick again, suddenly stopping reading a speech today and claiming he has "bronchitis". Again, after 6 weeks? Faking again? Looking for sympathy again due to the …More
This is sad. Maybe a sign from Heaven that the French Church is committing grave error by following heretic Pope Francis with his homo blessings trash.
Speaking of Pope Francis , reports posted 2 hrs. ago that I just saw claim that he's sick again, suddenly stopping reading a speech today and claiming he has "bronchitis". Again, after 6 weeks? Faking again? Looking for sympathy again due to the outrage over his homo document. Boo hoo Francis. Take some Tylenol or Robutussin cough syrup and stop whinning "I don't feel good!!" (sob sob!!)
If he's really sick, I'll be surprised. He was not sick yesterday. Good acting for sympathy. The Golden Globes just passed, but the Oscars i
are in afew weeks🤪🤪