New Business Field Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsUlwdmlrtylMore
New Business Field
Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsUlwdmlrtyl
Opera 369
But the regular citizens in Rome are quite aware of who Imbroglio is....from taxi drivers to hairdressers.... they show no reverence for him!
Michi Gini
In St. Peter's Basilica you can now do everything with money, events, aperitifs, conferences etc etc... Cardinal Mauro Gambetti is proving it... we are back to the period of the sale of indulgences.
Below are some businesses already started by Cardinal Mauro Gambetti in St. Peter's Basilica
- Nella Basilica di San Pietro ad oggi ancora le acq…
- Questo è quello che viene venduto al souvenir del …More
In St. Peter's Basilica you can now do everything with money, events, aperitifs, conferences etc etc... Cardinal Mauro Gambetti is proving it... we are back to the period of the sale of indulgences.

Below are some businesses already started by Cardinal Mauro Gambetti in St. Peter's Basilica

- Nella Basilica di San Pietro ad oggi ancora le acq…
- Questo è quello che viene venduto al souvenir del …
- La nuova trovata di Mauro Gambetti per racimolare …
- silerenonpossum.com/…verato-e-gambetti-trasforma-la-basilica-in-un-pub/