
Francis/Rupnik Case: The Good News

Father Rupnik's excommunication for absolving a sexual accomplice in confession could only have been lifted by Francis or his delegate, Father Gerald Murray told Raymond Arroyo (EWTN.com, February 23).

The Jesuit general has explained that the excommunication was lifted later that month "after he repented."

Murray: “I doubt there is any repentance, because the Jesuits have also just revealed that Father Rupnik would not cooperate with this investigation.”

15 women have made credible allegations against Rupnik. “We're talking about a priest who used his priestly authority over decades to inflict grave harm on innocent people who were in religious life,” Murray said.

So, “Treating this simply just a matter of history? No. This is a real threat and the punishment needs to be given.”

Arroyo’s side note, “The good news is that Rupnik wasn't saying the Latin mass, so it's OK.”


Ivan Tomas
"Father Rupnik's excommunication for absolving a sexual accomplice in confession could only have been lifted by Francis or his delegate"
Yes, and?!More
"Father Rupnik's excommunication for absolving a sexual accomplice in confession could only have been lifted by Francis or his delegate"

Yes, and?!