
Only Hypocrites Are Welcome: Homosexualists Call Police

A Novus Ordo church in Glebe, Sydney, organised a February 24 homosex Eucharist during the city’s "World Pride."

According to CatholicArena.com, the event was advertised under the sarcastic title “Thanksgiving Mass, for the gift of LGBTIQA+ folk in the church and in the world.” A well-known transvestite activist and Anglican preacher, attended.

A local Catholic wanted to participate but was thrown out by the police (!) who were called in on the pretext of “safety” and “security” concerns. Usually, homosex Eucharists are held under the hypocritical slogan “All Are Welcome.”


The world will continues to spiral straight into the hands of Satan where there will be nothing but destruction & death. May God protect his faithful from all these demons.
English Catholic
Similar Masses in the UK showed that these type of gatherings always say 'all welcome' because there aren't enough Catholics with same-sex attraction to fill even one event. The latest Office of National Statistics survey in the UK showed that only 1.5% of the population identified as 'lesbian/gay'. Add to that the fact that Catholicism is a minority religion in the UK, and also the fact that most …More
Similar Masses in the UK showed that these type of gatherings always say 'all welcome' because there aren't enough Catholics with same-sex attraction to fill even one event. The latest Office of National Statistics survey in the UK showed that only 1.5% of the population identified as 'lesbian/gay'. Add to that the fact that Catholicism is a minority religion in the UK, and also the fact that most practising 'gays' are not interested in religious practice, so you can see that there is no genuine pastoral demand for the Masses, although they seem to be popping up everywhere. Such Masses are nearly always padded out with family members, friends - whether they believe in Catholicism or not; 'useful idiots' from the novus ordo parish where the event is taking place, who misguidedly think they are being welcoming and inclusive; and non-Catholic Christians of all denominations are also invited, to make it appear that there is a genuine demand for these Masses. The miniscule minority who are same-sex attracted and Catholic who do attend the Masses, generally do so as political activism, not for spiritual reasons (i.e. trying to 'queer the Church', not achieve sanctification through renunciation of their disordered inclinations), so as one can see, the seeds of self-destruction are already sown within these Masses by their very nature.
I think the police is inadvertently helpful here. Otherwise, this seemingly well-intentioned faithful would have been present at a non-Catholic ceremony of Francis' New Gay Anti-church!
Any validly ordained priest can leave the Church for a man-made organisation as it seems to be the case in this video.More
I think the police is inadvertently helpful here. Otherwise, this seemingly well-intentioned faithful would have been present at a non-Catholic ceremony of Francis' New Gay Anti-church!

Any validly ordained priest can leave the Church for a man-made organisation as it seems to be the case in this video.
Wilma Lopez
St Augustine on Lutheranism: "If it were possible without keeping the commandments to attain life by faith alone (per solam fidem), which without works is dead, then how would that be true which He will say to those whom He will place at His left hand: 'Go into the eternal fire, which is prepared for the devil and his angels'? He does not rebuke them because they did not believe in Him, but because …More
St Augustine on Lutheranism: "If it were possible without keeping the commandments to attain life by faith alone (per solam fidem), which without works is dead, then how would that be true which He will say to those whom He will place at His left hand: 'Go into the eternal fire, which is prepared for the devil and his angels'? He does not rebuke them because they did not believe in Him, but because they did no good works" ('On Faith and Works', 15).
great comment
Well we've arrived at an official (Deep) State Church where the government decides who is allowed to attend Mass!