
Francis' Cardinal Knows Buddha but Not Christ

Curia Cardinal Miguel Guixot sent his annual sugar message for Vesak, a Buddhist festival which celebrated on April 21 the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha, who lived around 500 BC in northern India under the name Siddhartha Gautama.

Guixot wished that Buddhists would “gain insight into the nature of duhkha [suffering, pain], the conditions that cause it, and how it can be overcome.” He probably doesn't know that suffering and death are caused by sin and conquered by Christ.

Hoping for “new forms of solidarity shaped by our respective religious traditions” [excluding the Catholic truth], and believing that Buddhists offer “healing” when they embody compassion for all beings as taught by Buddha, he equated Buddhist compassion with Christ's divine love,

“Similarly (sic!), for Christians, there is no more effective remedy than the practice of agape (selfless love), the great legacy that Jesus left to his followers.” Guixot calls himself a "Cardinal," but he calls Jesus Christ just "Jesus".

And, “Likewise (sic!), the Buddha's emphasis on training the heart is especially valuable as we move forward together in our efforts to bring healing.”


Sally Dorman shares this
The Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue has released its annual message to Buddhists on the occasion of Vesak, the Buddhist festival that celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha.
The theme of the 2023 message, dated April 16 and released April 21, is “Healing Wounded Humanity and the Earth through Karuna and Agape.” The former is the Buddhist virtue of compassion; the …More
The Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue has released its annual message to Buddhists on the occasion of Vesak, the Buddhist festival that celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha.

The theme of the 2023 message, dated April 16 and released April 21, is “Healing Wounded Humanity and the Earth through Karuna and Agape.” The former is the Buddhist virtue of compassion; the latter, the Christian theological virtue of charity.
Wilma Lopez
In the message, the vatican praises atheistic Buddhist ‘compassion’ as ‘antidote to the global crises’
Apostasy. How disgusting.