Francis at Mass: Be free from fear of migrants and refugees. "“Free from fear”: that is the theme of a 3-day meeting organized by the Migrantes Foundation, Italian Caritas, and the Jesuit-run Astalli …More
Francis at Mass: Be free from fear of migrants and refugees.
"“Free from fear”: that is the theme of a 3-day meeting organized by the Migrantes Foundation, Italian Caritas, and the Jesuit-run Astalli Center for Refugees, to discuss reception structures for migrants."
"Do not be afraid
In his homily, the Pope focused on the readings chosen for the celebration, which he summed up in a single sentence: "Do not be afraid"."…/pope-francis-ma…
Muslim conquering force. Let's just kiss them.
Can we at least stop calling them "migrants" as if they're harmless pixies strolling through a meadow? They're vile muslim invaders. Any society who doesn't repel them will die an unpleasant death. Muslim history speaks for itself, in case anyone in Europistan is paying attention.
Yes, let us use the right word: INVADERS INVADERS INVADERS