
Pope Francis Oversteps the Papal Office - The Catholic Thing

The endorsement of civil unions for same-sex couples by Pope Francis in the film Francesco, directed by Evgeny Afineevsky, is a true scandal …
J G Tasan
Malachi 2: 8
"He has repudiated the teaching of St. John Paul II that..." The same JP II who also taught that..Proving Papal error is nothing new, either for Francis or JP II.
"The pope is a witness to the Faith, not an all-powerful authority who can change Catholic doctrine according to his own mistaken way of thinking..."
See the link above. :D Pope Francis is expressing his often error-riddled opinion just …More
"He has repudiated the teaching of St. John Paul II that..." The same JP II who also taught that..Proving Papal error is nothing new, either for Francis or JP II.

"The pope is a witness to the Faith, not an all-powerful authority who can change Catholic doctrine according to his own mistaken way of thinking..."

See the link above. :D Pope Francis is expressing his often error-riddled opinion just as John Paul II did on a different subject. Happily he (Francis or JP II) wasn't attempting to change Catholic doctrine. Just displaying their lack of understanding of what the Church teaches. The times we live in, eh?

"There is evidence that Afineevsky has egregiously taken this statement from a videotaped 2019 interview of Pope Francis by the Mexican journalist Valentina Alazraki out of context."

Much to the delight of the pro-homosexual clerics, secular reformers, AND the "Francis ain't Pope" schismatics who grab at any "proof" since Canon Law simply isn't on their side.

"The problem, though, remains that the Vatican has publicly embraced this film. And the pope’s out-of-context "right to a family" comments have been widely interpreted in the media in the way surely intended by Afineevsky but not by Pope Francis.

What else is new? Look at the way many within the Catholic media flat-out ignored former Pope Benedict's "call me FATHER Benedict" request.

It didn't fit their "two popes" narrative.

The Vatican isn't a single entity. There are cliques and factions within it. Cardinal Sarah is as much a part of the Vatican as the worst leftists lending the "Vatican's" endorsement to this film.
F M Shyanguya
Clear from Fr Murray! - one of them.