Back in 1985 Was John Paul II Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsBknqkznoaxMore
Back in 1985 Was John Paul II

Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsBknqkznoax
Paijo Kolonjono
Thank you Admin, for the picture...
Since long time ago I request this picture.
F M Shyanguya
Wherein the error or dissent from Catholic Teaching?
F M Shyanguya
3 more comments from F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
Allah: The name of God in Arabic. - Catholic Encyclopedia:
“The notion of Allah in Arabic theology is substantially the same as that of God among the Jews, and also among the Christians, with the exception of the Trinity, which is positively excluded in the Koran, cxii: "Say God, is one God, the eternal God, he begetteth not, neither is he begotten and there is not any one like unto him."”
Allah: The name of God in Arabic. - Catholic Encyclopedia:

“The notion of Allah in Arabic theology is substantially the same as that of God among the Jews, and also among the Christians, with the exception of the Trinity, which is positively excluded in the Koran, cxii: "Say God, is one God, the eternal God, he begetteth not, neither is he begotten and there is not any one like unto him."”

NB: Judaism doesn’t believe in the Trinity either. The Jews up to the High Priest accused Jesus of Blasphemy, ie, for calling God his Father hence claiming equality with God.

That there is one true God, no Supernatural Faith required. It is plain and human reasoning can arrive at that. That God is Trinity is via Christian Revelation, which the Jews rejected and Islam being a false religion obviously cannot receive that revelation. Faith is a gift.
F M Shyanguya
@en.cartoon Shallow and provocative cartoon.
F M Shyanguya
@W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
On Canonizations
With regard to those truths connected to revelation by historical necessity and which are to be held definitively, but are not able to be declared as divinely revealed, the following examples can be given: the legitimacy of the election of the Supreme Pontiff or of the celebration of an ecumenical council, the canonizations of saints (dogmatic …More
@W obronie Tradycji Kościoła

On Canonizations
With regard to those truths connected to revelation by historical necessity and which are to be held definitively, but are not able to be declared as divinely revealed, the following examples can be given: the legitimacy of the election of the Supreme Pontiff or of the celebration of an ecumenical council, the canonizations of saints (dogmatic facts), the declaration of Pope Leo XIII in the Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae on the invalidity of Anglican ordinations.37...
Roberto 55
Ask that beheaded french teacher...
Where does the Catholic Church actually say that canonization is an infallible act..which means we must believe it?
Where does the Catholic Church actually say that saints are infallible? ;-)
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
Canonization is an infallible and final act (no future pope has the right to change it). It is not obligatory to pray to this or that canonized saint, but to insult him by attributing bad intentions to him is an act of blasphemy (CCC 2146; CCC 2148).
Not infallible. This is just a theological opinion. How could it be infallibale as the decision depends totally on an act produced by corrupt people like Becciu lately.
Many acts from the Congregation are highly doubtful.
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
For several centuries, theologians have taught that canonization is infallible. The pope uses the infallible formula: For the glory of the Holy and Inseparable Trinity, for the exaltation of the Catholic faith and the growth of Christian life, by virtue of the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, as well as ours, after mature reflection, after many prayers and …More
For several centuries, theologians have taught that canonization is infallible. The pope uses the infallible formula: For the glory of the Holy and Inseparable Trinity, for the exaltation of the Catholic faith and the growth of Christian life, by virtue of the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, as well as ours, after mature reflection, after many prayers and on the advice of many of our Brothers in the episcopate we adjudicate and state...

Pope Benedict XIV said: If it is not heresy, then at least it is a rash sentence which offends the whole Church, harms the saints, smacks of heresy; and he deserves the heaviest punishment, who would dare to say that the Pope has erred in this or that canonization (De Servorum Dei canonisatione et beatificatione, L. 1, c. 42, n. 10. 12).
Alex A
You may or maybe not be right about the 'infallibility' of sainthood, but it is clear, that your argument in defence of Pope John Paul 2, is nationalistic in tone, which ironically, was one of the criticisms levelled at PJP2 during his pontificate.
Augustyn z Hippony
it is a b...shit! If this same God, that muslim have to say Jesus is a God ! We all know that will not say it!
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
When will Gloria.tv criticize Pius X, Pius XI and Pius XII? Saint John Paul II continued this teaching, therefore it is illogical and unfair to criticize John Paul II and to pass over Pius X, Pius XI and Pius XII in silence.
Where did Pius X, Pius XI, Pius XII mention "Pachamama"? (as did John Paul II). Where is the Assisi meeting before John Paul II?
W obronie Tradycji Kościoła
Now it is about Islam. These popes started it. Saint John Paul II continued and developed their teaching. When it comes to Pachamama: St. John Paul II imitated St. Paul the Apostle
Regarding the controversial incident in Assisi, it must not be forgotten that at that time the Church and the world were in a state of emergency, as there was a real threat of nuclear war and the complete destruction …More
Now it is about Islam. These popes started it. Saint John Paul II continued and developed their teaching. When it comes to Pachamama: St. John Paul II imitated St. Paul the Apostle

Regarding the controversial incident in Assisi, it must not be forgotten that at that time the Church and the world were in a state of emergency, as there was a real threat of nuclear war and the complete destruction of the world. However, it is a fact that Saint John Paul II preached Christ in Assisi.
Where did Pius X, Pius XI or Pius XII state something about a "similar God". The beginning was Vatican II (both, Nostrae Aetate and Lumen Gentium).
Francis, if those two Pachamama Idols that you bowed down to in the Vatican Gardens were meant to be symbolise Our Lady visiting St Elizabeth - I think you aught to understand that it was BLASPHEMY! Grave SIN!
Who would DARE to portray Our Lady or St Elizabeth Naked? Those who HATE her and you are clearly of their number.
As you are aware, Our Lady is portrayed by St Luke as being the NEW Ark of …More
Francis, if those two Pachamama Idols that you bowed down to in the Vatican Gardens were meant to be symbolise Our Lady visiting St Elizabeth - I think you aught to understand that it was BLASPHEMY! Grave SIN!
Who would DARE to portray Our Lady or St Elizabeth Naked? Those who HATE her and you are clearly of their number.

As you are aware, Our Lady is portrayed by St Luke as being the NEW Ark of His (New) Covenant as she contained GOD in her undefiled womb. The original Ark of the Covenant was called HOLY and untouchable by the Lord. It contained the Word of God on Stone, the Manna, and the Priestly Staff of Aaron, God, smote all who touched it who were not deemed worthy in His sight. It becomes apparent that you minister an unworthy Sacrifice, handing out the Real Presence of God directly into unconsecrated hands & heathens! You encourage lack of respect of the Most High God's only begotten Son!

You despise Our Lady. There are many occasions where Our Lady is portrayed in St Luke's Gospel as being the New Ark chosen by God to carry the Word of God made Flesh, the Living Manna, the Eternal High Priest! Therefore your vile attempts to ridicule the woman chosen from all eternity to bear the Son of God , striving to replace her in the eyes of the world with a false idol, a pagan, lifeless, cold, stone caricature (a violation of the FIRST Commandment in the eyes of God)

Take your place amongst the Heathens if you prefer , but never forget you are prohibited by Christ to condemn the righteous of His Sacred Institution, the Church

agapebiblestudy.com/…he Ark of the New Covenant.htm

Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Peter
The Footprints of God: Peter Keeper of the Keys
Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Mary
The Footprints of God: Mary The Mother of God
Dr Steve Ray - Footprints of God - Paul
The Footprints of God: Paul Contending for the Faith

Dr Brant Pitre - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist youtube.com/watch?v=P45BHDRA7pU

Eucharistic Miracles: Scientific Proof that Eucharist is the Body of Christ

All that happened to the Children of God in the OLD Testament is happening again in these modern times to the Catholic Church

Dr Brant Pitre - The Faith of Abraham and the Spiritual Life
More proof Bergoglio is not a legitimate pope. The cognitive dissonance and acrobatics (and Disobedience!) Folks have to go through to maintain that he is pope.
When Benedict XVI resigned, God struck St Peter's Basilica with Lightning twice in succession an obvious sign that He was not happy with the event. Christ said to Blessed Anne Emmerich that the Pope should not leave Rome, and urged that he should stay. He added that all would be okay if he did not flee......
It is clear as we are discussing this today, that the fruits of that resignation are …More
When Benedict XVI resigned, God struck St Peter's Basilica with Lightning twice in succession an obvious sign that He was not happy with the event. Christ said to Blessed Anne Emmerich that the Pope should not leave Rome, and urged that he should stay. He added that all would be okay if he did not flee......

It is clear as we are discussing this today, that the fruits of that resignation are abominable. When he resigned due to force, which he DID, (although it is stated he did not). Everywhere he went to, it was made obvious to those watching the events, that the Bishops, Cardinals, Priests that he met did not like him, ignored him, turned away so that they did not have to talk to him, and obviously held no respect for him refusing to kiss his ring. An office worker could not put up with outright hatred such as that for years on end, and would choose to hand in their notice, BUT the Papacy is an honour and a privilege and it is meant to be ended only by a Pope's death. I think THAT is the reason Christ showed his anger with the lightning. Now, I don't know what to think. A Pope who has resigned, betrayed Christ, a Pope who only partially resigns not only betrays the Lord who put him in the office, but he puts the entire Church in peril, as the Holy Spirit remains with the Pope who has not resigned properly whilst the other one creates chaos, believing himself to be inspired by God when the OPPOSITE is the case.
