
You Will Not Win. By Father Donald Calloway, MIC

Here's the thing: Truth and light can't be overcome. You can murder it, cancel it, and try to silence it. But it always comes back. What so many in the Vatican and church leadership don't seem to realise is that going after Bishop Strickland will not stop the victorious march of truth and light. Several generations of priests will soon take the reins and we are completely fed up with your liberal gay insanity. So, stack the deck and fire all your guns. You won't win. The Deposit of Faith has been passed on.

Truth and light shall conquer. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

Source: Facebook


Jan Joseph
De Rooms Katholieke kerk staat krijgt net als de door de politiek bestuurde maatschappij de komende tien jaar te maken met de grootste revolutie in de geschiedenis.
All priests who "celebrate" the Novus Ordo Mass have betrayed the Deposit of the Faith and have FAILED to pass it on. The priests were Ordained in ignorance and sin and pass on ignorance and sin.
This is ok. But it would be supremely better and far more effective if it came from one of his diocesan Priests. His own incardinated Priests should be at the forefront of Bishop Strickland’s defense. They should be leading the charge in the defense of their own Ordinary.
Strong commentary such as this sounds good but it should rightfully be coming from INSIDE the Diocese of Tyler, spoken publicly …More
This is ok. But it would be supremely better and far more effective if it came from one of his diocesan Priests. His own incardinated Priests should be at the forefront of Bishop Strickland’s defense. They should be leading the charge in the defense of their own Ordinary.

Strong commentary such as this sounds good but it should rightfully be coming from INSIDE the Diocese of Tyler, spoken publicly by the priestly men who serve under the Bishop, and who KNOW firsthand his faithfulness as a Shepherd and his bold, courageous guardianship of the Deposit of Faith and his uncompromising proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. It is incumbent upon them to direct this fight. The Faithful whom he prayerfully and wisely leads, both men and women in the diocese and from its various parishes and institutions who have, themselves, observed and been the recipient of the Bishop’s love for the Faithful and his steadfast devotion to Holy Mother Church as a Servant of Our Lord in holiness and charity, it is THEY who must take up his banner and lead the fray against the unclean wiles of those who seek his downfall and overthrow.

They must stand strong for their good Bishop, publicly and visibly, against all of his false accusers and abusers, both from within the Vatican and without. Others can be his allies in this fight, but it is his OWN - the men he has ordained by his own hand, whom he has nurtured and mentored, whose vocations he personally inspired and sustained, and who owe him their thanks and gratitude for their own priesthood - it is they who must defend him now.
True in theory, but remember the majority of priests are elderly and probably NOT ordained by the current bishop. These men often are Vatican II types who most likely despise +Strickland's stand for the faith and just want to "get along" with the world. I know this from experience. My former diocesan ordinary was faithful and devout - and was hated by senior members of the priesthood although he …More
True in theory, but remember the majority of priests are elderly and probably NOT ordained by the current bishop. These men often are Vatican II types who most likely despise +Strickland's stand for the faith and just want to "get along" with the world. I know this from experience. My former diocesan ordinary was faithful and devout - and was hated by senior members of the priesthood although he attracted many young vocations. Francis removed him on spurious charges and many of the newer young priests left ministry. The replacement learned the lesson = don't cross the liberal Vatican II crowd!