
European Union Wants to Ban All Christmas Masses

The European Commission will recommend to its member states to prohibit all Christmas Masses, or to allow them only with a minimum number of faithful in attendance.

The draft “Stay Safe Strategy” will be presented on December 2 in Brussels and regards Christmas and New Year’s Eve. It demands to avoid religious ceremonies with large gatherings and to replace them with TV, radio or online broadcasts.

Where celebrations will be legal, families must be isolated from each other, and singing must be prohibited.
LaNuovaBq.it (December 1) calls the document an umpteenth proof that Covid-19 is not about health but about religious freedom and about forbidding the Mass, nevertheless, the bishops offer only a lukewarm or non-existent reaction. Churches have never been reported as places of infections.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsKqbqxgqond

La Unión Europea está gobernada por logias satánicas
Godless people are BLIND and react like sheep. Faithful people saw that reason since beginning.
World's Freemasonry have a plan which was given by their lord, SATAN.
Notice the EU/ EC did NOT recommend prohibiting Hanukkah services. Nor did they prohibit Mawlid an-Nabi this year, either.Funny thing. ;-)
And this
Great picture of a dishonest man looking deeply shifty.