His only motivation was the desire to repair the great wound that had gradually been created, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.
It was not an operation carried out clandestinely,
as even some in bad faith have claimed. It was in fact the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that first dealt with the text of the motu proprio [Summorum Pontificum], with the involvement of the members of the …More
His only motivation was the desire to repair the great wound that had gradually been created, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.
It was not an operation carried out clandestinely,
as even some in bad faith have claimed. It was in fact the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that first dealt with the text of the motu proprio [Summorum Pontificum], with the involvement of the members of the feria quarta and plenary. Benedict constantly followed the progress of the text through updates given to him by Cardinal Prefect Levada in the table audiences and, after publication, he regularly asked the bishops during ad limina visits how the application of that legislation was progressing in their dioceses, always getting a positive feeling from it.

That is why to Pope Ratzinger that reference [by Francis] to his "true intentions" seemed incongruous, since, as we read in Light of the World, he had wanted "to make the ancient form more easily accessible above all in order to preserve the deep and unbroken link that exists in the history of the Church. We cannot say: it was all wrong before, but now it is all right. Indeed, in a community in which prayer and the Eucharist are the most important things, what used to be considered the most sacred thing cannot be considered entirely wrong. It was about reconciliation with one's past, about the internal continuity of faith and prayer in the Church."

RORATE EXCLUSIVE: First translation of pages on 'Traditionis Custodes' from Gänswein's new book

As everyone now knows, Archbishop Georg Gänswein has written a book entitled "Nient' altro che la verità …
Benedict XVI learned about TC for the first time on the same day everyone else did, July 16, 2021, by reading it in L'Osservatore Romano.
"...He found a definite change of course and considered it a mistake, as it jeopardized the attempt at pacification that had been made fourteen years earlier. Benedict in particular felt it was wrong to prohibit the celebration of Mass in the ancient rite in …More
Benedict XVI learned about TC for the first time on the same day everyone else did, July 16, 2021, by reading it in L'Osservatore Romano.

"...He found a definite change of course and considered it a mistake, as it jeopardized the attempt at pacification that had been made fourteen years earlier. Benedict in particular felt it was wrong to prohibit the celebration of Mass in the ancient rite in parish churches, as it is always dangerous to corner a group of faithful so as to make them feel persecuted and to inspire in them a sense of having to safeguard their identity at all costs in the face of the 'enemy.'...

"It also remained mysterious to Benedict why the results of the consultation of the bishops done by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which would have allowed a more precise understanding of every implication of Pope Francis's decision, were not disclosed."