New priests' group hopes to preserve vision of Vatican II

Photo ~ The Rev. David Cooper conducts Mass during the inaugural assembly of the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests, a new independent alliance of diocesan and religious order priests who want to …More
Photo ~ The Rev. David Cooper conducts Mass during the inaugural assembly of the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests, a new independent alliance of diocesan and religious order priests who want to preserve the "spirit of Vatican II," at Saint Leo University.
New priests' group hopes to preserve vision of Vatican II
This week, about 240 priests from around the country are meeting at Saint Leo University in St. Leo for the inaugural assembly of the newly formed Association of U.S. Catholic Priests. Among its goals: To be a "voice of hope" and to "celebrate and implement the visionary concepts of Vatican Council II."
The Rev. David Cooper, a Milwaukee pastor and board chairman, says keeping the spirit of what was intended by the council — which opened in October 1962 and concluded in December 1965 — is urgent, given the direction the church seems to be taking.
When the organizing committee first met in August near Chicago, it recorded 27 members. It has since grown to 640, Cooper says. …More
Preserving Vatican II ?? 🤬 🤬
SBpfu - Thanks mate! Enjoy the Eternal City! 🤗
Its an AARP convention- The American Association for Retired Progressives. 😈
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
This appears to be a mass. But note, everyone is casually sitting around pointed in any direction. No crucifix can be seen near the altar (the one on the wall of the room is clearly not there to serve a liturgical function.)
Although there are 240 priests in attendance (dressed like retirees on their way to Burger King), they still, apparently, feel the need to employ a female altar server.
The videoMore
This appears to be a mass. But note, everyone is casually sitting around pointed in any direction. No crucifix can be seen near the altar (the one on the wall of the room is clearly not there to serve a liturgical function.)

Although there are 240 priests in attendance (dressed like retirees on their way to Burger King), they still, apparently, feel the need to employ a female altar server.

The video

More from Association of U.S. Catholic Priests
SBpfu - Greetings dear brother! 🤗 One is always amazed at the lengths to which the disturbed go to destroy the Church. These 1960s clerics just need to retire peacfully in a home somehwere!
Don't get me started! The sooner these maclontents are retired and out of the parishes the better!
These are the ones that are responsible for so much of the destruction of the Faith after the Council.
I wonder if they are celebrating the Mass according to the request of "Sacroscantum Condcllium" and it's directive to retain Latin???
These are the folks who brought you the puppet masses, Polka …More
Don't get me started! The sooner these maclontents are retired and out of the parishes the better!

These are the ones that are responsible for so much of the destruction of the Faith after the Council.

I wonder if they are celebrating the Mass according to the request of "Sacroscantum Condcllium" and it's directive to retain Latin???

These are the folks who brought you the puppet masses, Polka Masses, Clown Masses and a the same who tore so many of our beautiful churches apart and replaced the interiors with white washed walls barren of any semblence of the holy. These are the same ones who banished the Tabernacles to some non descript part of the church or out of the church totally.

They are the ones who also are responsible for the loss of the Faith of a generation through their "feel good, it's all about me" cathechism texts from Benzinger's and Sadler publishers.

Thank you malcontents for ruining the vocation of this person! What you did to our Seminaries is purely evil. Thank God their is a resurgence among the young to want Orthodoxy in the Faith.

Lest they be left out the nuns of this bent are also responsible for much of the above as well. How many congregations of Women Religious are near collapsing in on themselves. These "with it" "socially" responsible and fighters of "Justice" have killed their own communities by the lifestyles and changes brought by the the members of their communities. They just don't get it! They threw out their charism, constitutions, community life and habits out the window, and now they reap what they have sown - - No Vocations. Those orders who have remained faithful or newer orders are flourishing and have younger numbers ...hmmm wonder why ---> Focused life of community, retention of a prayerlife in common, faithfulnees to their mission and the Church and hmmmm a Religious habit! Go figure.

As one Domincan nun in Ohio said one time while I was just staring at her bight yellow skimpy blouse and blue denim skirt.... she said " Well once you squeeze the toothpaste out of the conatiner, you can't put it back in." To which I replied, "If you try hard enough you can and if you don't, then you throw both away!"