
Cor Orans Is Devil's Attempt to Destroy Contemplative Monasteries From Within - by Mother N.N.

The Vatican Instruction on female religious life Cor orans is the Evil One’s attempt to destroy contemplative life from within as it has happened in recent decades to active religious life in the West in particular, except for a few pockets of resistance and a few new communities springing up with solid ideals. I hope they survive.

So much prayer is needed that our small monastery can maintain its number of sisters sufficiently so that, if the worst happens and Cor orans forces us to join an association of monasteries, we may not have to be subjected to the meddling of a commission deciding whether we can retain our autonomy or not.

I am talking to Saint Joseph about this constantly, entrusting our monastery to his protection.

And yes, I speak with late Mother A et al on my morning visit to the vault to pray for their blessed souls. They were faithful in difficult circumstances before, though the threat was not coming then from those in positions of authority at the centre of the Church, which makes life more complex, humanly speaking.

The arrogance of Cor orans is appalling. Almost 2000 years of monastic life are almost swept away by those who know so little of the essence of our life.

We had a Chapter discussion today on Vultum Dei quaerere, the Apostolic Constitution on women's contemplative life.

It was fruitful insofar as a couple of our younger sisters had their eyes opened by the comments of those of us with more experience and insight. This is a blessing lest we be even more vulnerable because we are not all sufficiently alert to just what is at stake.

Vultum Dei quaerere is a superficial document without real depth despite it being an Apostolic Constitution. It is as if the Holy Father (or whoever write it for him) has strung together a few quotes from enough recognisable sources to make us all think it sounds legitimate.

Cor orans is supposed to "implement" the Apostolic Constitution in practical norms, but, of course, it does far more than that and actually changes the whole structure of our life.

I have always loved the Sacred Heart, maybe going back to being at Sacred Heart College despite never actually learning anything about His Heart there.

So I entrust myself and our monastery to Him as well as to His Mother, to whom we belong so specially.

[The name of the author, known to en.news, is withheld in order to protect her and her community from persecution within the Church.]

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA
May God bless you and your monastery dear Mother.
Bergoglio is nasty and vindictive, and he'd not hesitate to destroy vowed men and women who criticise Maximum Leader. Pray that this era passes.