“We believe in the goals of the church and love the church very deeply,” he said. “We have committed our lives to the church, and believe we are doing this for the good of the church.”

Opinion | When ‘Priest Weds Nun’

It made news around the world when my parents married 50 years ago this summer. They weren’t remotely famous. Their wedding was no lavish affair. The surprising interest …
@mattsixteen24 For the same reason so many other depressing things are posted here: to inspire our prayer lives with the horrors of the world around us. Same reason you just posted an article about little Caucasian girl getting abducted by four Negroes in South Africa. Because if you didn't post it for GTV's spiritual edification, then one might conclude you were simply race-bating and trying to …More
@mattsixteen24 For the same reason so many other depressing things are posted here: to inspire our prayer lives with the horrors of the world around us. Same reason you just posted an article about little Caucasian girl getting abducted by four Negroes in South Africa. Because if you didn't post it for GTV's spiritual edification, then one might conclude you were simply race-bating and trying to stir up animosity against black people in general.. And that couldn't possibly be the reason, now could it? ;-)
You're the one race baiting. But that's what you do, isn't it? There's a saying in my country: when all you have is a hammer, every issue looks like a nail. And as a result of idiotic commentary like yours, all vile crime involving whites (as victims not perpetrators) and non-whites as perpetrators need be ignored unless the silly, racist finger waggers like you come out from beneath your rocks to …More
You're the one race baiting. But that's what you do, isn't it? There's a saying in my country: when all you have is a hammer, every issue looks like a nail. And as a result of idiotic commentary like yours, all vile crime involving whites (as victims not perpetrators) and non-whites as perpetrators need be ignored unless the silly, racist finger waggers like you come out from beneath your rocks to point your fingers and whine about racism. "Virtue signalling" like what you are doing is in reality stupidity signalling. You're a disgrace. Blocked.
Oh, hi @JTLiuzza . When did you become Matty's personal Schutzstaffel? Gotta love the hypocrisy of you screaming "racist" at me while defending Matty's race-riling post. You can't accuse me of 'race-baiting' when I'm the one exposing it.
Likewise, when I point out GTV has a resident racist (two or more, actually) that doesn't mean I'm "virtue signalling", because it doesn't improve my image. It …More
Oh, hi @JTLiuzza . When did you become Matty's personal Schutzstaffel? Gotta love the hypocrisy of you screaming "racist" at me while defending Matty's race-riling post. You can't accuse me of 'race-baiting' when I'm the one exposing it.

Likewise, when I point out GTV has a resident racist (two or more, actually) that doesn't mean I'm "virtue signalling", because it doesn't improve my image. It just means Matt's a bigot and you're a like-minded enabler.

Matty asked "why is this posted here" and I provided him two possibilities. Only -one- of them implied he's a race-baiter trying to demonize black people. There was an alternative, you know.

To quote Frank Herbert, I "displayed a general garment and you claim it's cut to your fit."

Now if you were clever, you would given me a back-handed compliment on recognizing Matt's devotion to "inspiring GTV's prayer life" (my words). That would have been a fine riposte. But you're not that good. That's the beauty of your mistake. Your anger acknowledges I'm telling the truth.

Maybe all you have is a hammer and it shows. Unfortunately for you and Herr Sixteen24, I prefer the rapier and main gauche. Beating either of you is a foregone conclusion at this point, now I'm focused on doing so with style.

I've been blocked? Oh noes. Block out enough of the world and your Reichsadler will turn into the proverbial ostrich. :D
Look @Ultraviolet, I'm prepared to help. If at any time in the near future you find yourself unable to cope with the life altering trauma consequential to being blocked by Oberleutnant 1624's pit bull - as a pharmacist I am happy to express courier you 3 months supply of the most up to date antidepressant medication. Chin up.... stiff upper lip and all that....don't let it get you down.
Andrew3186, I'm overwhelmed by your Christian generosity. :D Christ gave His audience the parable of a Good Samaritan, and you're the 21st century version. The best I can do is emulate your good example and manfully toil on, unmedicated. I'm very much aware your largesse is desperately needed elsewhere here on GTV. Truly, it is... Would you be so kind as to ship JTL and Matty each a one month …More
Andrew3186, I'm overwhelmed by your Christian generosity. :D Christ gave His audience the parable of a Good Samaritan, and you're the 21st century version. The best I can do is emulate your good example and manfully toil on, unmedicated. I'm very much aware your largesse is desperately needed elsewhere here on GTV. Truly, it is... Would you be so kind as to ship JTL and Matty each a one month supply of Clozapine? Granted, as you know, that isn't an antidepressant, but a change in prescription is clearly indicated here. :p

If we can get Matty to mellow out, maybe he might start focusing on problems in The Church rather than trying to evangelize his own personal hatred of... well, who doesn't he hate? Every time I'm certain I've seen the definitive list, he adds another group of people to it. I'd ask him directly for the latest release version, but yeah, he blocked me. No surprises there.

People who scream about "liberal censorship" are typically the first ones to silence any kind of dissent the moment they get the ability to do so.
"The best I can do is emulate your good example and manfully toil on..."
I'll give it to you on that. You gave me a laugh.More
"The best I can do is emulate your good example and manfully toil on..."

I'll give it to you on that. You gave me a laugh.
@JTLiuzza Glad you liked it. :D
I'm also pleased I could share one of the delightful things I've discovered about traditional Catholic culture. Not only is the Liturgy "pre-62", so is the vocabulary used by parishioners. It's a conscious return to a different age. The nearest parallels is they're LARP-ing the first half of the twentieth century. Several men wear fedoras. The serious fashion plates …More
@JTLiuzza Glad you liked it. :D

I'm also pleased I could share one of the delightful things I've discovered about traditional Catholic culture. Not only is the Liturgy "pre-62", so is the vocabulary used by parishioners. It's a conscious return to a different age. The nearest parallels is they're LARP-ing the first half of the twentieth century. Several men wear fedoras. The serious fashion plates wear three piece suits, complete with watch chain and fobs. One gent wears spats and a monocle. A number of older men need canes, but these are dress canes. Judging by the discrete metallic collars near the handle, they're probably sword canes, as well. Bow-ties are common-place. They're all doing it unironically. They want to pray, and live, in an earlier and better era.

It's a joy speaking to these people after Mass because it's like stepping into a novel by Faulkner or Crane. KoC meetings are an absolute feast for the ears. Ever since I discovered that "we brother knights must manfully shepherd our families..." I've been itching for the excuse to use the adverb myself. Providence provides, eh?
An opinion piece by the Church's enemies... Why is this posted here?
Joseph Ratzinger: "The crisis of fatherhood constitutes the heart of the human crisis that is threatening us. Where fatherhood no longer appears as anything other than a biological accident, or where it appears as a tyranny to be rejected, we find a wound deep in the very fibre of human existence."