Gay-Ideology Only for the West. Even Obama Noticed It Speaking in Johannesburg on Tuesday, former U.S. President Barack Obama alluded to the World Cup-winning French soccer team, saying, “Not all of …More
Gay-Ideology Only for the West.

Even Obama Noticed It

Speaking in Johannesburg on Tuesday, former U.S. President Barack Obama alluded to the World Cup-winning French soccer team, saying, “Not all of those folks looked like Gauls to me.” He went on claiming, “But they're French! They're French.” At least 15 players on France's World Cup roster were Africans. What Obama missed: to be French is more than possessing a piece of paper called a “passport”.

False Priest Works For Embassy to the Holy See

Cochabamba Archdiocese has accused José Luis Funes Ramírez of posing as a priest without having been ordained. Funes is the first secretary of the Bolivian Embassy to the Holy See in Rome. A warning against Funes was already expressed in 2015 when he was a sacristan in a parish in Cochabamba but was presiding false Masses in cemeteries and in private houses.

Accusations Against Bishop

Bishop Benoît Alowonou of Kpalimé, Togo, and the Vatican cracked down on three priests who publically refused to renew their priestly promises during this year’s Chrismal Mass. Alowonou suspended them. The Congregation for the Evangelisation of the People, rubber-stamped the move on June 29. The three accuse the bishop of cruelty, hatred, arrogance, contempt, inhumanity, of having cut the priests’ mess stipends and of not allowing them to travel even for health reasons. According to them Alowonou’s human, pastoral and financial management is a disaster.

Gay-Ideology Only for the West

The Islamic broadcaster Al-Jazeera, based in Qatar, has a selective approach to homosexualism. In Arabic Al-Jazeera presents homosexuality as a form of perversion of the decadent West. In Qatar, homosexual acts are illegal. In its English or French speaking edition such a stance is totally absent. One French speaking collaborator of Al-Jazeera, Yasmina Bennani, is a militant fighter for gay ideology.
Holy Cannoli
Accusations Against Bishop
cut the priests’ mess [sic] stipends
My cousin had her dog’s “mess stipends” cut. He was
never the same. 😁More
Accusations Against Bishop
cut the priests’ mess [sic] stipends

My cousin had her dog’s “mess stipends” cut. He was
never the same. 😁