There Will Be No «Deal» For the Next 12 Years. There Will Be No «Deal» For the Next 12 Years The final statement of the July General Chapter of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X refers explicitly …More
There Will Be No «Deal» For the Next 12 Years.

There Will Be No «Deal» For the Next 12 Years

The final statement of the July General Chapter of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X refers explicitly to the declaration made by Archbishop Lefebvre in November 1974. On his webpage, Dr Chojnowski calls this historic statement one of the most thrilling anti-Modernist moments of the SSPX. It was Lefebvre’s reaction to the Modernism of the ecclesial visitors who inspected the seminary of the Society in Econe, Switzerland. Chojnowski comments, "Obviously there will be no 'deal' with the Vatican for the next 12 years."

Bishop Laise: Pope and Bishops Do Not Care About What Is Sacred

Retired Argentinian Bishop Juan Rodolfo Laise, a true confessor of the Faith and fighter against Communion in the hand, noticed in an interview with LaFedeQuotidiana.it that in the present Church there is little care for the sacred. He points out that the hierarchy is partly responsible for this. Quote, "I do not intend to launch accusations, but in this light the Pope should insist more and he does not."

There Is Only One Way to Receive Communion

92-year-old Bishop Laise further stated that there is only one way of receiving Holy Communion – quote – "on your knees and on your tongue."

Pro-Immigration Archbishop Embezzles Funds

Archbishop Salvatore Gristina of Catania, Sicily, a zealous promoter of illegal mass-immigration, is accused of having embezzled 260’000 Euro which the relief organisation of his archdiocese received from the State. Although this embezzlement seems not directly linked to illegal immigration, the suspicion has often been made that the Italian Church is also so desperately pro-immigration because it makes money from it.
SSPX - USA District
Thank you for the coverage on our important General Chapter this month. Here is additional news coverage! www.youtube.com/watch
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
El obispo argentino retirado Juan Rodolfo Laise, un verdadero confesor de la Fe y luchador contra la Comunión en la mano, señaló en una entrevista con LaFedeQuotidiana.it que en la Iglesia actual hay poco cuidado por lo sagrado. Él señala que la jerarquía es en parte responsable de esto. Gloria TV Noticia
El Sacerdote Laise de 92 años de edad sabiamente enseña: Solo hay una forma de recibir la …More
El obispo argentino retirado Juan Rodolfo Laise, un verdadero confesor de la Fe y luchador contra la Comunión en la mano, señaló en una entrevista con LaFedeQuotidiana.it que en la Iglesia actual hay poco cuidado por lo sagrado. Él señala que la jerarquía es en parte responsable de esto. Gloria TV Noticia
El Sacerdote Laise de 92 años de edad sabiamente enseña: Solo hay una forma de recibir la Comunión: "de rodillas y en la boca".
Holy Cannoli
There Is Only One Way to Receive Communion
Regarding the Last Supper, with due respect to Leonardo, it is most likely that the table was a simple plank on the floor or only slightly elevated from the floor. Jesus and his apostles would have sat around this plank by reclining on the floor on top of cushions.
We are told this was a rented upper room, and don't have a wealth of information about …More
There Is Only One Way to Receive Communion
Regarding the Last Supper, with due respect to Leonardo, it is most likely that the table was a simple plank on the floor or only slightly elevated from the floor. Jesus and his apostles would have sat around this plank by reclining on the floor on top of cushions.

We are told this was a rented upper room, and don't have a wealth of information about what amenities such a room would include. It is likely they all sat on the floor around this table as most meals were taken in this fashion in less than wealthy circumstances. The 13 attendees would have eaten their food reclined on floor cushions among a few low tables as Romans tended to do at the time.

The table probably looked more like this than it did like DaVinci's Last Supper painting.
Receiving while kneeling and on the tongue is a practice introduced sometime afterward by the Church. (obviously done with pious intentions and affirmed by the Fathers notably by Aquinas)

With the numbers of people attending mass, it is clearly impractical to recline on cushions when receiving as was done with the apostles. However, receiving communion while standing and in the hand, if done reverently and respectfully, is perfectly acceptable today since the practice has been permitted by the same Church that first began the practice of communion on the tongue while kneeling.
Pro-Immigration Archbishop Embezzles Funds
...the suspicion has often been made that the Italian Church is also so desperately pro-immigration because it makes money from it.

Have you ever wondered why the USCCB always seem to support Democrat politicians and their policies and oppose the Trump administration at every turn? Is it because the Democrats are more “righteous”? 🤮

Since Donald Trump became president, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has released ten statements regarding immigration. Each of these statements oppose the policies of the new administration regarding travel restrictions, building a security barrier, immigration resettlement, deportation, and sanctuary cities.

However, what none of these statements disclose is this: The USA Spending.Gov website reveals www.lifesitenews.com/news/follow-the-uscc…

that the USCCB received more than $91 million for resettlement programs for Syrian refugees. The average Catholic who reads about the bishops' ardent opposition to President Trump on immigration issues is not aware of this startling conflict of interest. It’s fair to assume, also, that when the USCCB claims
to help resettle "approximately 30 percent of all refugees entering the U.S. each year," American Catholics assume their donations are funding this effort. 🤬
Pro migration bishops seem to be paragons of vice.