
Priest Opens investigation into Predatory Allegations against Bergoglio Alias Pope Francis

Bergoglio was the 'Spiritual Father' of homosexual abuser Zanchetta. Bergoglio was the confessor of homosexual …
Billy F
May Almighty God expose the corruption of the Powerful!!!
Christopher Shahrazade
If this is true this is fantastic news because there are several witnesses and 1-2 victims....some according to Vigano. I hope this becomes world-wide expose and massive news to bring down the homosexual tyrany in the Church and the queer present occupate of the throne of St, Peter.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio has shouted in many ways that he does not judge an apostate homosexual priest but he does judge the Law of God and the priests who fulfill it.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio ha gritado de muchas maneras que él no juzga a un sacerdote homosexual apóstata pero sí juzga la Ley de Dios y a los sacerdotes que la cumplen.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio ha gridato in molti modi di non giudicare un prete omosessuale apostata ma di giudicare la Legge di Dio e i preti che la adempiono.