
Polish Parliament Rejected Bill to Legalize Evil of Abortion – By Only Three Votes

The Polish parliament has rejected a bill, that would have destroyed Poland's sane abortion laws, by just 3 votes (218 v 215). The decriminalisation of the crime was supported by the majority of the …More
The Polish parliament has rejected a bill, that would have destroyed Poland's sane abortion laws, by just 3 votes (218 v 215).
The decriminalisation of the crime was supported by the majority of the ruling coalition. It was defeated thanks to some politicians from the ruling camp who joined the opposition and voted against it or who did not take part in the vote.
The legislation would have decriminalised an abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy.
It was proposed last year by Lewica (The Left), which is part of Prime Minister Donald Tusk's ruling coalition. Tusk himself announced yesterday that his party (PO), the largest member of the coalition, would vote in favour.
The result of the vote was greeted with a standing ovation from the PiS benches. "Life and the Constitution have won," declared MP Bartłomiej Wróblewski (Pis): "The most vulgar attempt to violate the Constitution since 1989, depriving children of legal protection before birth, was defeated in the Sejm."
“Oops, Donald …More
Dear People of Poland,
Stay faithful and true to the Catholic Faith under the protective Mantle of Our Lady of Częstochowa!
Tomasz Stepien
Polska ma najbardziej restrykcyjne prawo antyaborcyjne w Europie. Większość Polaków jest pro-life. Ponieważ nie znasz polskich realiów, wybaczam ten komentarz :) Pozdrowienia z katolickiej Polski
Father Karl A Claver
Poland be careful; you are slipping away from Catholicism, and the end results are not pretty.