
Gretinism: Catholic Missionaries Compare Greta Thunberg to Our Lady

The Maryknoll Fathers have thrown their support behind the marketing company that abuses the autistic Greta Thunberg,16, for the promotion of climate alarmism.

The group, founded in 1911, takes its name from the hill where its headquarters are outside Ossining, New York.

The official Maryknoll Twitter account gushed on September 24 about Thunberg’s “passionate, articulate and knowledgeable witness” and ranted about Christians allegedly getting upset “because of her [young] age.” The tweet stresses that these Christians “seem to overlook the age of the Virgin Mary at the time of the Annunciation.”

The enraptured Missioners conclude, “Young women can and have changed the world.” There is no indication in the Gospels about Our Lady’s age at the Annunciation.


any talk can't do anything about climate change because the money of the rich people matters most to them
Child abuse, again.
De Profundis
“So many people falling into hell, so many people........ How sorry I am for the souls that go there!” I’d be more concerned with this message (from a young girl) remember, eternity is forever. Heaven or Hell.
When "missionaries" [or better: Protestants] become political activists...
I haven’t seen anyone complain about Greta's age. Strawman argument.