Jordan Peterson: Church Became "Shallow and Contemptible" After Vatican II

The Church has become "shallow and contemptible" since the Second Vatican Council, psychologist Jordan Peterson told (11 February). Peterson was referring to Christ's invitation to take up …More
The Church has become "shallow and contemptible" since the Second Vatican Council, psychologist Jordan Peterson told (11 February).
Peterson was referring to Christ's invitation to take up his cross and follow him. He calls this "a hell of an invitation" (a very demanding invitation) but "that's the invitation, and the Church has lost faith in it."
The Church, he said, had wanted to make the Gospel more "relevant" to the world but had obscured its true vocation and put something else above Christ's invitation.
"That's not going to work, not if the original statement was correct," Peterson noted, adding that "obviously the original statement is correct."
The Catholic Church doesn't ask the faithful to take the difficult path: "The gate to paradise is barred by a cherubim who has a sword that burns and turns everyone. This means that "it's hard to get into the club."
Of Francis, Peterson said he was on a climate mission but should be saving souls: "That's how you save the planet …More
Hound of Heaven
I think Jordan Peterson's observation is all too evident to be denied. It has been the reluctance to admit these faults post-Vatican II which has led to the debacle we are currently in. We need a strong (dare I say, genuine) pope at the helm who is prepared to confront the failings, acknowledge them, and rectify them. The Church needs members like Jordan in it and it is tragic that these post-V II …More
I think Jordan Peterson's observation is all too evident to be denied. It has been the reluctance to admit these faults post-Vatican II which has led to the debacle we are currently in. We need a strong (dare I say, genuine) pope at the helm who is prepared to confront the failings, acknowledge them, and rectify them. The Church needs members like Jordan in it and it is tragic that these post-V II failings may have made him, and many, many others, reluctant to complete that journey.
Patricia McKeever
It's a pity he makes the classic mistake of failing to distinguish "churchmen" from "the Church".
Louis IX
These perspectives from non Catholics (non-Cristians in this case) are valuable to hear because the Church should stand as a beacon that attracts non-believers to cooperate with God’s Grace that is offered to everyone. When the administrators of Holy Church make her appearance contemptible they are placing the candle under a bushel basket, so to speak. ( It also doesn’t help that instead of the …More
These perspectives from non Catholics (non-Cristians in this case) are valuable to hear because the Church should stand as a beacon that attracts non-believers to cooperate with God’s Grace that is offered to everyone. When the administrators of Holy Church make her appearance contemptible they are placing the candle under a bushel basket, so to speak. ( It also doesn’t help that instead of the laity becoming more holy, we have become too worldly.)
He's obviously confused because the Catholic Church does not make mistakes. The Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.
Like many others, he also believes that the popes, bishops and priests of the counterfeit Conciliar Church (the shadow church that grew out of Vatican II) is the Catholic Church. He could not be more wrong.
But even though the leaders of the Conciliar Church have the …More
He's obviously confused because the Catholic Church does not make mistakes. The Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.

Like many others, he also believes that the popes, bishops and priests of the counterfeit Conciliar Church (the shadow church that grew out of Vatican II) is the Catholic Church. He could not be more wrong.

But even though the leaders of the Conciliar Church have the buildings, the authority, and hold the reins of power, they cannot change the true teachings of the Catholic Church. Those who witness at the Novus ordo mass and believe the teachings of Conciliarist leaders are very foolish.

A somewhat analogous scenario is playing out in America, whereby key elected government leaders are also wear the hats of the Deep State--the unannounced organization which has surreptitiously assumed the reins of power and leads this nation from the shadows. Like the pope and the bishops, they lead their followers to destruction.

But, unlike the Catholic Church which Jesus Christ has assured us will prevail against the Gates of Hell intel the end of time, America's government "by the people" does not enjoy that promise. It's simply a matter of time before America becomes just another community in a world government.