Father Hardon talks about spirtual warfare. Part 3 Part 3More
Father Hardon talks about spirtual warfare. Part 3
Part 3
padre geremia
Father John hardon is one of the great catholic theologians of the 21st century. I hope he will become a saint soon 👌
Keep in mind,that for the sake of false ecumenism the hierarchy of today strives to get rid Our Catholic Church of anything so characteristic to our traditional Catholic beliefs and practices - Real Eucharistic Presence of Christ,Adoration,Stations of the Cross,Rosary,devotion to Virgin Mary,stripping Her of Her rightful title of Mother of God,thus denying Christ's Divinity - their aim is to become …More
Keep in mind,that for the sake of false ecumenism the hierarchy of today strives to get rid Our Catholic Church of anything so characteristic to our traditional Catholic beliefs and practices - Real Eucharistic Presence of Christ,Adoration,Stations of the Cross,Rosary,devotion to Virgin Mary,stripping Her of Her rightful title of Mother of God,thus denying Christ's Divinity - their aim is to become more acceptable to protestants,but it will pave the way for one world religion. I was shocked by tip-toeing around the truth in Assisi,the concern for world peace ,the political correctness making all perceptions of " power","divine reality" equal, loss of occasion to testify Christ,The only begotten Son,The Living Word,the Word Incarnate to those that otherwise may never have the opportunity to be exposed,to hear the Truth of His Word. Is there any wonder about the urgency Mother of God is calling us to repentance,prayer,fasting,praying the Rosary? All of us are called to sainthood,having the Holy Spirit working in us and through us,embolding us to give testimony to Jesus is the sign of our maturity as Catholics,soldiers of Christ. As to August 5 th, long time ago I read ,looking through "True Life in God " that Vassula was told the same thing by Christ.My late husband,born Afghan moslem,fierceful atheist was born on the same day and I told him that sharing his birthday with Virgin Mary - like light and darkness he was fighting Her in vain,in the end She will lead him to Her Son - and when She did so the Hell trembled in helpless fury,the Heaven rejoices till this day,for the seed that died and fell to the ground - the one that persecuted Christ and His Most Holy Mother,by his very passing so faithfully testified about Him. " By the fruits ye shall know them".Do not grieve Her Motherly heart,do whatever He tells us to do,pray and remember that the real miracle takes place in human heart and to have and to keep "the Life" receive Him often in The Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar,and offer the Holy Communion in intention of those Christians who are willing to sacrifice their lives just to attend Holy Mass,while Catholic Churches in Europe resemble museums,with tourist traffic bigger than Mass attendance.
holyrope 3
"The first and most basic norm for identifying an authentic private revelation is its Full consistency of the Catholic Faith. In other words, if there is ANYTHING; one paragraph, one sentence and the alleged revelations that is not consistent with the Catholic Faith, the whole book, or books should be discarded."
Fr. John Hardon, whose cause is up for beatification has stated he "does Not believe …More
"The first and most basic norm for identifying an authentic private revelation is its Full consistency of the Catholic Faith. In other words, if there is ANYTHING; one paragraph, one sentence and the alleged revelations that is not consistent with the Catholic Faith, the whole book, or books should be discarded."

Fr. John Hardon, whose cause is up for beatification has stated he "does Not believe that Medjugore is of a supernatural origin."

The above statement of Fr. Hardon's is certainly consistent with the known fact of Vicka's statement that Our Lady told her that Her real birthdate is August 5th! 🤦