
Francis’ Deputy Reacts On Filial Correction: Let's Have A Dialogue

The Vatican’s secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, believes that those who disagree with Pope Francis are free to express themselves, “but on these things one must reason and find ways to …More
The Vatican’s secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, believes that those who disagree with Pope Francis are free to express themselves, “but on these things one must reason and find ways to understand one another.”
Speaking on Thursday about the “Filial Correction” he said according to Ansa, “It's important to dialogue, also inside the Church.”
Parolin's comment is the first official Vatican response to the accusation that Francis holds heretical positions.
Picture: Pietro Parolin, © Osservatore, CC BY-SA, #newsTewtqjyvsn
i believe ,those that disagree are the majority ,but even if it wasnt,but they were correct and Truth was on their side ,we should always accept the Truth .The Pope and those clergy that are pushing for something,even one word that would create confusion ,they should accept the error ,and humble themselves ,that would be Christian ,and we all would be happy
Our Lady of Sorrows
Is the truth so hard to understand, Cardinal Parolin should tell ALL dissenters to start with the Ten Commandments, Council of Trent, or simply ask a child. If they do not want to accept Christ's teaching, get another job!
All in the Vatican including Pope Francis should recite the THREE HAIL MARY after the Prim and Compline. They will be surprised what happens next!