
Macron Kisses Masonic Slippers

French President Emmanuel Macron gave a November 8 speech at the Masonic Museum in Paris to mark the 250th anniversary of the Grand Orient de France. He addressed the "very respectable grand masters".

• He called the sect the "eldest daughter of the [supposed] Enlightenment" [a parody of “France, the eldest daughter of the Church”].

• "Freemasonry was formed in the image of the plans of the French nation"

• He invoked the "twin destinies" of Freemasonry and the Republic.

• "Freemasonry's contribution is a historical truth".

• Not all the founders of “the Republic” were Freemasons, “but all of them defended its [so-called] values".

• "The Republic would not have been created without Freemasonry".

• “We must preserve the living link between Freemasonry and the Republic".

• He thanked the sect for its contribution to driving the old and sick to suicide ("euthanasia").

• "As long as Freemasonry is at work, the Republic will be awake".


Philadelphia Trad
Emmanuel Macron never shows any sign of emotion, happiness nor anger, on his face. Just like Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Kim Jong Un, Ayatollah Khomeini, Mark Zuckerberg, Anthony Fauci, Pete Buttigeg, etc., etc. Beware of stone faced people like Macron.
Opera 369
He is a....'ma c ah ron' smothered in smelly french cheese! 🤮
Very interesting observation.