
Parish-Priest Play Rabbi, Imitates Pesach

Father Rozivaldo Moraes, the parish-priest in Sao Vicente Ferrer, Maranhao state, Brazil, initiated the Jewish feast of Pesach (Easter) on April 27. Moraes dressed up like a rabbi, placed a menorah in …More
Father Rozivaldo Moraes, the parish-priest in Sao Vicente Ferrer, Maranhao state, Brazil, initiated the Jewish feast of Pesach (Easter) on April 27.
Moraes dressed up like a rabbi, placed a menorah in front of the New Rite altar, blessed pita bread with gestures similar of those at Mass. Then he blessed the wine and the lamb and served it to the assembly. The women had their heads covered.
The Council of Florence forbad Christians under mortal sin to re-enact Jewish festivals.
Dr Bobus
The Novus Ordo is such an inadequate celebration of the Eucharist that priests are inclined to make it sem like something else.
This is exactly right, Dr. Bobus. We often have visitors at our TLM as our parish is downtown. Many of the visitors are novus ordites which is good as it allows them, perhaps for the first time in their lives, to see great liturgy, actual worship. This past Sunday during Communion, when everyone was going back to their pew to kneel in prayer and contemplate the awe and mystery of the Blessed Lord …More
This is exactly right, Dr. Bobus. We often have visitors at our TLM as our parish is downtown. Many of the visitors are novus ordites which is good as it allows them, perhaps for the first time in their lives, to see great liturgy, actual worship. This past Sunday during Communion, when everyone was going back to their pew to kneel in prayer and contemplate the awe and mystery of the Blessed Lord actually physically being present inside our very body, there was a novus ordite couple that stood the whole time.

I wondered what they were doing (it was quite a distraction), and then remembered that I read an article somewhere that pointed out this odd new practice at new order masses whereby everybody stands after Communion as a show of "unity," or some such rubbish. As if belief in the Real Presence hadn't yet been destroyed enough by the novus ordo.

What occurred to me is something along the lines of what you said: it is an endless, non-stop parade of changes and novelties. Today it's standing the whole time during Communion. Tomorrow it will be something else. The day after it will be something else yet again, and on and on.

That sorry excuse for liturgy is lifeless. It is dead. It was born dead. The endless novelty is nothing more than a distraction from the obvious lifelessness, and a phony and futile attempt to animate what is, in effect, a corpse.

The new order mass and the endless innovation and shock treatment is like "Weekend at Bernie's."
Sorry to say it, but Mass in the third world countries routinely degenerates into all kinds of circus-like behavior. Filipino Masses are particularly susceptible to Asian "cultural" influences which are nothing more than thinly-disguised pagan practices.
Stupid wicked man.