Bishop Vigano : " a sacrilegious act desecrated the Cathedral of the diocese of Superior (WI) on the …

“Powers of abomination” - The Chrism Mass, arbitrarily moved to March 19, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, is a compendium of the most abominable liturgical horrors that the conciliar “church” has …More
“Powers of abomination” - The Chrism Mass, arbitrarily moved to March 19, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, is a compendium of the most abominable liturgical horrors that the conciliar “church” has originated since the beginning. The shamanic ceremony at the beginning of the function constitutes a sacrilegious act that desecrates the Cathedral of the diocese of Superior (WI) on the very day on which the Holy Chrism is consecrated. This makes Bishop Powers, present at the rite, responsible for a very serious sacrilege and for the scandal caused to those present. This is not a Successor of the Apostles, but a servant of Freemasonry. The way he celebrates Mass reveals his total alienation from the Divine Mysteries. A squalid official of the ecumenical religion, a dutiful executor of Santa Marta's wishes. What is "comforting" - so to speak - is to see that the participants in the profanations of the Bergoglian sect are almost all of advanced age (especially the shamans, who are truly pathetic …More
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.Abbas shares this
Father Karl A Claver
This proves that decent Catholics are fleeing this femi=nazi church because it is no longer Catholic, but pagan.