
Pagan Ritual During Beatification By Cardinal Becciu

During the September 9 beatification mass for Sister Alphonse-Marie Eppinger (+1867), the foundress of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer, some Indian sisters performed the Hindu ritual "Aarti".

The mass was presided by Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu in Strasbourg Cathedral, France. "Aarti" was performed before the Our Father.

Aarti is part of the daily Hindu ritual Puja which consists in offering light to one or more idols.


Joseph a' Christian
@CarolineA03 - Hinduism is extremely evil, demonic. Our Church has always taught that the gods of the heathen are demons. Psalms 95:5- “For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils…”
“In simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism, cows are thought to be sacred, or deeply respected. They are held in high esteem and Hindus, especially in Nepal, worship cows during en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tihar_(festival). …More
@CarolineA03 - Hinduism is extremely evil, demonic. Our Church has always taught that the gods of the heathen are demons. Psalms 95:5- “For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils…”
“In simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism, cows are thought to be sacred, or deeply respected. They are held in high esteem and Hindus, especially in Nepal, worship cows during en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tihar_(festival). The reason has to do with cows' agricultural uses and gentle nature. Hindus rely heavily on cows for dairy products, for tilling fields, and for dung as a source of fuel and fertilizer. So, cows are seen as a 'caretaker' or maternal figure. One Hindu Goddess is usually shown in the form of a cow: Bhoomi (ভূমি). She represents the Earth.“ (wikipedia)
Many hindus also worship a virgin, young girl each year. They carry her from town to town to be adored.
Beware of the minefield that is Hinduism.
Jesus bless you Caroline, your brother Joseph
@Joseph a' Christian It's probably inspired by demons NOW, but I read a few years ago that Hinduism isn't a religion at all. It is just a case of people not paying attention to Abraham and Sarah when they were travelling from place to place - they have been deified akin to the way that Paul and Barnabas were mistaken for Mercury and Jupiter in Acts 14 . For, "Brahma" is a corruption of the Hebrew …More
@Joseph a' Christian It's probably inspired by demons NOW, but I read a few years ago that Hinduism isn't a religion at all. It is just a case of people not paying attention to Abraham and Sarah when they were travelling from place to place - they have been deified akin to the way that Paul and Barnabas were mistaken for Mercury and Jupiter in Acts 14 . For, "Brahma" is a corruption of the Hebrew name of "Abraham" and "Saravista" is also a falsification of the real "Sarah" The name of "Hagar" is found in Hinduism also.

Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures - Christ is prophecised - and on their travels, Abraham must have spoken of the awaited Christ - his listeners didn't listen properly and "Krishna" is a falsification of the expected Messiah.

Buddha - I learned years ago, was evangelised by a travelling Hebrew - however, one thing he could not accept - he could not understand the reason for suffering. To solve the problem, he accepted certain aspects of the Hebrew Religion, but those bits he could not accept he altered to fill in the gaps in a manner to please himself. Therefore, to explain away suffering, he created the need for Reincarnation. Yet, -only through understanding the power of redemptive suffering, and gaining full knowledge of Christ - do we truly understand the reason for suffering. I know many people who like "Buddha" can not understand why there is suffering, - without Christian evangelisation , it appears totally meaningless. It takes Grace and spiritual enlightenment to grasp the truth that unless there is suffering throughout our earthly existance, there is a tendency for us to become really cold, horrible, spoilt, & rotten, people.

I learned this of Zoroaster (aka Zarathusta) It seems he was a descendant of Judah. (He's shown in our family tree on Ancestry.com. There is a strange prophecy connected with him that the Messiah would come from his family . It seems his prophecy was accurate - Our Lord DID come from his "family" - for Zoroaster, according to the evidence of our tree, was an unmarried person a few generations after Judah. To all appearances a GGGGGGGG Uncle of the Incarnate Son of God.- but clearly not in the branch of Judah which became Our Lord's Messianic Line.
Stanley Waiyaki Maina
Totally disgraceful!!! A desecration of Holy Mass.
I would turn the volume off. Satan is using these women to seduce you with their chant. It may sound funny, but it is true.
That which comes from Satan begins with calmness and ends in storm, indifference and apathy.
-Padre PioMore
I would turn the volume off. Satan is using these women to seduce you with their chant. It may sound funny, but it is true.

That which comes from Satan begins with calmness and ends in storm, indifference and apathy.
-Padre Pio
Joseph a' Christian
Hideous. Hinduism is demonic, yet it was praised by false, masonic bishops of Vatican II. (in the document: Nostra Aetate.)
Jesus Proclaimed, I have come to teach you, of the one true God.
The Russians are coming and Strasbourg will be destroyed, the cathedral obliterated!
Bog standard Teuto-Church apostasy and sacrilege.
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in the Battle! We should be saying this after every Mass. I have never witnessed anyone standing in front of our Lord Jesus Christ, and for Hindi riutual?! God Help us all!
I hope Jesus returns soon and catches them unawares...
How will they be able to escape from His Wrath - up to their necks as they are in more perversion and Apostasy than Christ historically burned Sodom for?
His words according to former Mystics will go something along THESE lines.
"Take them away to the Devil's Torment - See they are rendered eternally - ALL the evil that they rendered unto my …More
I hope Jesus returns soon and catches them unawares...
How will they be able to escape from His Wrath - up to their necks as they are in more perversion and Apostasy than Christ historically burned Sodom for?

His words according to former Mystics will go something along THESE lines.
"Take them away to the Devil's Torment - See they are rendered eternally - ALL the evil that they rendered unto my lambs - for Satan
Blaspheming MY Holy Name!"

The filth of Sodom, and the Apostasy of Solomon
seem tame nowadays when we are faced with these crimes on a daily basis ....

Return soon Lord, your Servants await your coming! May Thy purity and Holiness cleanse us of the filth of these Satanic Apostates