Live Mike
This needs to be reiterated over and over again - may the Sinnod push the faithful hierarchs to stand up and oppose B to his face!
@DrMaria It's a numbers game. The un-holiness and his supporters are in the ascendancy. Realistically, could anyone in the present climate expect an apostate clergy to admit to their mistakes?
Opera 369
Don't ask rhetorical questions like : "when do we do it"....JUST DO IT - YESTERDAY! The way you do your "podcasts" every day.....send out "smoke signals" to all the 1 Billion + Catholics all over the globe! Where there is a WILL there is a WAY. Get on it asap!
Opera 369
Whoever is speaking - you are totally correct! It's the ONLY way to get rid of ...pachamama world!!
@Opera 369 Fr Kramer is identified as the speaker. Fr Kramer's solution, while well intended, is already too late and would most likely lead to a schism. Divine Intervention is the only solution to the crisis. Suggest interested readers followup John Henry Weston's recent post on lifesitenews relating to the Francis intended visit to Moscow and its connection to Garabandal.
Live Mike
@Opera 369 Source: Fr. Paul Kramer on the Jeff Rense Show - 21-07-2023 compressed / edited
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I listened to it. It was great.
Opera 369
Thank you!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If anti-Pope Francis thinks he is having trouble with a noisy and troublesome but actually quite small number of liberal priests in India who are defying his dictates on how to celebrate the Mass according to their tradition....he ain't seen nothing yet if he removes excellent Bishop Strickland. By now, opposition to Bergoglio over this issue, not to mention the good Carmelite nuns in Arlington TX …More
If anti-Pope Francis thinks he is having trouble with a noisy and troublesome but actually quite small number of liberal priests in India who are defying his dictates on how to celebrate the Mass according to their tradition....he ain't seen nothing yet if he removes excellent Bishop Strickland. By now, opposition to Bergoglio over this issue, not to mention the good Carmelite nuns in Arlington TX. and elsewhere has spread across the sea into Europe, especially Italy where good Catholics are suffering the same type issues caused by Pope Francis. If he goes after good Bishop Strickland, he and his Vatican will he hard-pressed to contain the explosion of opposition and open disobedience from faithful Catholics in the USA, and spreading into Europe who also side with Bishop Strickland, as well as the Carmelite nuns. It will open up huge cracks in Bergoglio's papacy and shake it to it's foundations. So much so that no Cardinal similar in any way to Francis will be elected in the next conclave.
Arrivederci Zuppi et al.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori There won't be a 'next conclave' stacked by Cardinal Electors chosen by the Usurper. Another solution is needed consistent with The Lords promise to Saint Peter.
Lord, please send the Holy Spirit to guide, please. Amen.