
Dubia Cardinal Brandmüller Becomes Victim of Abuse Hysteria

Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, 89, believes that the present-day Church is “shaken to its foundations” due to homosexual abuse “in an almost epidemic manner among the clergy and even in the hierarchy …More
Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, 89, believes that the present-day Church is “shaken to its foundations” due to homosexual abuse “in an almost epidemic manner among the clergy and even in the hierarchy” - a claim confirmed only by media hysteria, not by the facts.
[Today's Church is "shaken to its foundation" by the collapse of the liturgy and theological emotionalism.]
Writing for the German monthly Vatican Magazin, Brandmüller criticises Francis and his predecessors for “not opposing” immoral theology including homosexuality although Francis actively promotes such things.
Seemingly unwilling to name the culprits, Brandmüller lists long forgotten dissenters like Josef Fuchs (+2005), Bernhard Häring (+1998), Franz Böckle (+1991) and Alfons Auer (+2005) as “the truly important heretics”.
One of them, Häring, was hailed by Francis in November 2016 as “the first to start looking for a new way to help [un]moral theology to flourish again.”
Picture: Walter Brandmüller, © Manfred Ferrari, #…More
I ask again.....who will please step up and lead our Church out of this deep malaise we have fallen into? Did Our Lady not tell us at Fatima that Russia (socialism) will spread her errors around the world? Did St. Pius X plead with us in vain? Lord have mercy; Our Lady pray for us.