
Caught: FBI's Targeting of Catholics Wider Than Testified

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to Congress that only “a single field office” in Richmond targeted Latin Mass Catholics as "terrorists", placing at least one undercover agent in a PiusX chapel. …More
FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to Congress that only “a single field office” in Richmond targeted Latin Mass Catholics as "terrorists", placing at least one undercover agent in a PiusX chapel.
But a newly subpoenated document (August 9) shows otherwise.
The FBI also targeted Catholics in Portland and Los Angeles. The FBI redacted (!) the role of these offices from a document submitted to Congress in March.
Only under legal pressure did the FBI produce on July 25 a less redacted version. Now, it must explain why the information was blacked and the FBI's anti-Catholic activities downplayed.
Wray is also ordered to “correct” his testimony and provide Congress with full information, including all documents and communications on the matter, by August 23.
Sandy Barrett shares this
FBI against Catholics is deeply troubling.
Why are they(FBI) doing that ?
Ann Smith
Because traditional Catholics know the truth of what is going on in the world. And who can't be trusted.
Malki Tzedek
How anyone can't see this starting to mirror what happens to practicing Catholics/Christians in China is beyond me.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Live Mike