
It’s Saint Valentin, except for the Novus Ordo Church

The original Roman Rite celebrates today Saint Valentin, a Roman martyr who died in 269.

Orthodox, Protestants, Moslems, Jews, Buddhists, Hinduists, atheists, and everybody else will join in.

Only the Novus Ordo Catholics don’t. Why? Because of Paul VI’s failed “Liturgical Reform.” For no good reason, he replaced Saint Valentin with Cyrill and Methodius.

Everybody celebrates Saint Valentin, except the Novus Ordo Church. Does this make any sense? It doesn’t. So, it’s time to correct this.

1- The conciliar council sent the majority of the Saints away to be replaced by St. John XXIII, St. Paul VI, St. John Paul II, to mention only the most illustrious who are currently scraping the bottom of hell.
2- As for St. Valentine's Day, the world has made it the feast of lovers, which is no better, and this is why everyone joins in.
Conclusion: Let's follow the old calendar that is still valid …More
1- The conciliar council sent the majority of the Saints away to be replaced by St. John XXIII, St. Paul VI, St. John Paul II, to mention only the most illustrious who are currently scraping the bottom of hell.
2- As for St. Valentine's Day, the world has made it the feast of lovers, which is no better, and this is why everyone joins in.
Conclusion: Let's follow the old calendar that is still valid and let's send the lovers for a walk!
Thors Catholic Hammer
Maybe Saint Valentin does not have the same intercessory power with GOD that the brothers Saints Cyrill and Methodius have?.