
Father Jackson Enters "No Plea"

A Rhode Island District Court judge entered on Monday a “no plea” on behalf of Father James Jackson who is facing state and federal child pornography charges. Jackson is a former FSSP seminary rector.

A court assistant told CatholicNewsAgency.com (November 15) that in this case “no plea” is a formality. It is common at an early stage, as the prosecution often has not yet disclosed the evidence or the defendant's lawyers are not ready yet.

Jackson, wearing lay clothes and beige pants, did not speak during the proceeding. His lawyer declined to speak to reporters.

After a search at Jackson's presbytery, police said they found large amounts of pornographic and paedo-pornographic material. Jackson's next appearance in court will be in January 2022.

"Jackson's next appearance in court will be in January 2022." So... he's off for the rest of the year and holidays.
De Profundis
Here is the picture of Joe Bukuras/CNA