
Ist das amtskirchliche Normalität? Kurienpriester & FM-Großmeister + Appell zur Aussöhnung

Buchvorstellung in Wien, 11. 2. 2020: Rechts: Autor Michael Weninger, Mitte: Freimaurer Großmeister Georg Semler. Links: Verleger Erhard Löcker. Bildquelle: www.kathpress.at/fotos Buchpräsentation "…More
Buchvorstellung in Wien, 11. 2. 2020:
Rechts: Autor Michael Weninger,
Mitte: Freimaurer Großmeister Georg Semler.
Links: Verleger Erhard Löcker.
Bildquelle: www.kathpress.at/fotos Buchpräsentation "Loge und Altar" Georg Pulling/Kathpress
Ort der Veranstaltung: Palais Todesco, Kärntner Straße 51
"Commemoration Mass A Commemoration Mass celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Consecration of New Quarries MMMs Lodge and the Consecration of St Margaret’s MMMs Lodge was held in the Castle Church. Bro. Rev. Michael Weninger officiated at the Mass which was attended by most masons present of all faiths as well as local villagers, this being their local church. Bro Rev Michael was installed and Invested as Chaplin in each of the three lodges Installation ceremonies during the day being well qualified since he lives in the Vatican as a member of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue but works in Rome." Zitiert aus www.wordpress.eastlancsmark.org
Archiv von Gloria Global, zweite …More
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