Marty Makary: "Maybe the two top virologists in the United States, Dr Michael Farzan and Dr Robert Garry told Dr Fauci on his emergency call in January of 2020 - when he was scrambling soon after learning …More
Marty Makary: "Maybe the two top virologists in the United States, Dr Michael Farzan and Dr Robert Garry told Dr Fauci on his emergency call in January of 2020 - when he was scrambling soon after learning that the NIH was funding the lab - they both said that it was likely from the lab. Both scientists changed their tunes days later in the media and then both scientists received 9 million dollars in subsequent funding from the NIH. It's a no-brainer that it came from the lab."
Mark A Erickson shares this
Rand Miller
Virology is a pseudo science.
you need to grill Fauci and Bill Gates