German priest attends induction ceremony of sodomite group mocking catholic nuns

Wolfgang F. Rothe is a German priest who holds a doctorate in canon law from the Opus Dei-affiliated Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. In 2013, he obtained a doctorate in theology from the University of Munich.

After completing his doctorate in canon law — his supervisor was Georg Gänswein — Rothe became the secretary of bishop Kurt Krenn in the diocese of St. Pölten, Austria, in 2002. The following year he was appointed vice-rector of the diocesan seminary there.

Initially, Rothe (pronounced RO-tuh) was known as a conservative. But in the summer of 2004, a sex scandal broke out at the seminary when the Austrian periodical Profil published lewd photos showing priests kissing seminarians. Rothe was allegedly one of them.

The Vatican sent an investigator. To make a long story short, bishop Krenn ended up resigning, the seminary was closed, and Rothe was suspended and given some time to “come to his senses” before being allowed to re-enter priestly ministry in late 2008 but in a different diocese. Since 2013, Rothe has been parochial vicar in Perlach, a district of Munich.

On Feb. 24, 2024, Rothe sent out a public post on X/Twitter thanking the blasphemous aberrosexual activist group ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’, which consists mostly of cross-dressing men who revel in expressing contempt for Roman Catholicism as they add anti-Catholic blasphemy and sacrilege to their advocacy of sexual perversion.

Just what did Rothe express his appreciation for? He thanked them for allowing him to attend the ‘profession’/’consecration’ of a ‘sister’ — that is, he took part in the induction ceremony of a new member into their anti-Catholic club that parodies Catholic sisterhood.

Rothe wrote in his tweet: “Many thanks to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for the invitation to the initiation of Sister Magdalena Lydia in the LEZ! It was an honor and a joy for me to be there!” (The ‘LEZ’ is a party venue for sodomites in Munich.)

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Opera 369
He is not a 'priest'! If anything, he's a ridiculous anti-priest, who lied to God when he took his vows; if he ever took his vows, that is! Just another tassel of the Fernandez/Bergoglian Circus.
Must be Novus Ordo!
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