Jesuit apostate Thomas Reese asks bishops to accept gay adoption

Pope St. Pius X explained that the modernist heretics do not expose their anti-doctrine fully but only partially but by looking at the members of the Bergoglian sect when they expose it directly we can …More
Pope St. Pius X explained that the modernist heretics do not expose their anti-doctrine fully but only partially but by looking at the members of the Bergoglian sect when they expose it directly we can see that the Bergoglian anti-Catholic sect supports homosexual adoptions. As deviated from the faith, the apostate Bergoglio did it in Argentina
Cardinal Pell: “Communion for the divorced and remarried ....” – it’s only the tip of the iceberg, it’s a stalking horse. They want wider changes, recognition of civil unions, recognition of homosexual unions”
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The apostate Thomas Reese demonizes Donald Trump to give his support to the anti-Catholic apostate Joe Biden Jesuit Priest Thomas Reese Says Donald Trump Is ‘Antichrist’
Does any semi -intelligent person even waste any time on Reese ? Not me.
Yeah it's epicly ironic that for this priest Trump is the Anti-Christ but he a cheerleader of the man of his own order that many would recognize fills the requirements for this role!
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Thomas Reese never tires of spreading his heresies daily
They can call themselves Catholic, but the aren't. They belong to the faith of Sodom