Il cerimoniere pontificio S.E. mons. Diego Giovanni Ravelli ha ricevuto ieri nella Basilica di San Pietro l'ordinazione episcopale e il titolo di Arcivescovo di Recanati.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Ordination of Archbishop Diego Ravelli, Papal Master of Ceremonies
He is consecrated by Cardinal Parolin
and Pope Francis as co consecrator.
Along with him are his former colleagues.
1. Cardinal Konrad Krajewski
2. Bishop Guido Marini
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I wonder who will take his place? I wish Bergoglio was too enfeebled to be present.
John A Cassani
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Is he leaving his post? It is a position that has had archbishops occupying in the recent past.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There were two in recent Church history, the late, great Cardinal Enrico Dante (d.1967) who was in the ceremonies department of the Vatican since the early 1900's and served every Pope in some function in that field (Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI (Master of PapalCeremonies probably from the late 1930's until he became a Cardinal in 1965). John XXIII consecrated him an …More
There were two in recent Church history, the late, great Cardinal Enrico Dante (d.1967) who was in the ceremonies department of the Vatican since the early 1900's and served every Pope in some function in that field (Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI (Master of PapalCeremonies probably from the late 1930's until he became a Cardinal in 1965). John XXIII consecrated him an Archbishop, and Paul VI a Cardinal.
At the other end of the spectrum, there's the infamous Archbishop Piero Marini (b. 1942) who JPII created an Archbishop in the late 1990's. Benedict XVI sacked him in about 2007 and put in the excellent Guido Marini.
I don't know if he's leaving his post.....I would not put it past Bergoglio to assign him to some nothing position, and in his place put another gay radical liberal priest who has his favor.
Katja Metzger shares this
Msgr. Diego Giovanni Ravelli, Nachfolger von Msgr. Guido Marini und Zeremonienmeister des Papstes, am 3. Juni zum Bischof geweiht