Republik Moldau droht der blackout. Regierung verschärft die Demonstrationsgesetze, aus Angst vor den …

Der russische Energielieferant Gazprom hat der Republik Moldau wiederholt damit gedroht, die Gaslieferungen im Oktober einzustellen, da sich Chisinau im Zahlungsrückstand befindet. Seit den gestrigen …More
Der russische Energielieferant Gazprom hat der Republik Moldau wiederholt damit gedroht, die Gaslieferungen im Oktober einzustellen, da sich Chisinau im Zahlungsrückstand befindet.
Seit den gestrigen russischen Luftangriffen auf die Ukraine ist nun auch die Stromversorgung in Moldau erheblich gefährdet, weil Kiew nichtmehr die gewohnte Stromversorgung bieten kann um den Zusammenbruch des eigenen Netzes nicht zu riskieren. Diese Gemengelage könnte das Fass zum Überlaufen bringen....

Moldaus pro-EU Präsidentin Maia Sandu sieht sich mit einem drohenden Energie blackout und wachsenden pro-russischen Demonstrationen konfrontiert. Ihr Gegenmittel: Demonstrationsgesetze verschärfen und Demonstranten als Kriminelle, Diebe und Hochverräter beschimpfen.....
....und heizt die regierungskritischen und pro-russischen Demonstrationen in der Republik Moldau an, die das Land seit Monaten zum Teil im Griff haben. Die Demonstranten werden von der moldauischen Regierung oft als staatsfeindlich oder …More
Dixit Dominus
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Photo: Moldova's pro-EU President Maia Sandu faces a looming energy blackout and growing pro-Russian demonstrations. Her antidote: tighten demonstration laws and call protesters criminals, thieves and traitors.....
Russian energy supplier Gazprom has repeatedly threatened to cut off gas supplies to Moldova in October because Chisinau is in arrears.
Since yesterday's Russian airstrikes on Ukraine, …More
Photo: Moldova's pro-EU President Maia Sandu faces a looming energy blackout and growing pro-Russian demonstrations. Her antidote: tighten demonstration laws and call protesters criminals, thieves and traitors.....
Russian energy supplier Gazprom has repeatedly threatened to cut off gas supplies to Moldova in October because Chisinau is in arrears.
Since yesterday's Russian airstrikes on Ukraine, the electricity supply in Moldova is now also at considerable risk, because Kiev can no longer provide the usual electricity supply in order not to risk the collapse of its own network. This situation could be the straw that breaks the camel's back....
It all fuels the anti-government and pro-Russian demonstrations in Moldova that have gripped the country for months. The demonstrators are often defamed by the Moldovan government as anti-state or moca-funded, even though a part of the population in the country has always been close to Russia. In a speech, the president thanked the police for closing down a protest camp and demanded that the government tighten the laws to be able to act even more effectively against pro-Russian demonstrators. If the feared energy blackout were to occur, tougher laws could still prove "useful" for the government....

Moldovan president calls for tougher police action against pro-Russia protests and wants to tighten laws to do so.

"Our duty is not to be manipulated and provoked by those who want war and chaos. We will not allow the situation in the country to be destabilised and society to be divided. Criminal groups want to create a conflict situation in order to overthrow public order and gain power so that Russia can use our country for war. Thieves implicate people to achieve their goals. Have no illusions, you will not succeed. Treason will be severely punished. We thank the police for managing to maintain law and order without violence during the protests organised and financed by thieves. The tents have been removed from the street, but the provocative actions continue," said Maia Sandu.

In light of the current situation, the President called on the government to consider temporarily amending legislation that would allow the police to maintain law and order. The Head of State stressed that the authorities are making every effort to ensure peace, stability and order in the country.

Ukraine reduces electricity exports to Moldova - Moldovan deputy PM
Gazprom declares its right to break contract with Moldova over gas debt
President requested Moldovan borders be respected
Moldovan president calls for tougher policing to tackle pro-Russia protests